Originally posted by philndz@Sep 25 2005, 02:39 PM
Scott, you crack me up. You are just EVERYWHERE!
Originally posted by philndz@Sep 25 2005, 06:45 PM
What is required to convert a Spec Miata to an ITA car?
Originally posted by tnord@Sep 29 2005, 10:40 PM
wow, $7k to go from SM to ITA, i wouldn't have expected that. care to elaborate on where the money went?
Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Sep 30 2005, 02:54 AM
You could spend that easy. Doing it on my 1.8 now.
- Motor prep. Overbore, pistons, head work, quality header, crank scraper, windage tray, MOTEC, balance, blueprint, etc.
- Suspension. Springs, big-time shocks, poly and spherical bushings
- Diff. Add the 4.88 R&P to my Torsen.
- Wheels. 13lb minimum gone. SSR's on the way
- Body. Splitter could help horrible aero
Bret's car is a steal.
Originally posted by philndz@Sep 30 2005, 10:18 PM
in other words, in what ways could ita be a cheaper entry to wheel to wheel racing for me.
Originally posted by Speed Raycer@Sep 30 2005, 11:49 PM
Is there a hardtop requirement for the miata in IT???
Originally posted by RP Performance@Sep 30 2005, 07:22 AM
Andy what do the SSR's weigh and cost? I have the Kosei TS-1's and cost $149 each@ 10.6 lbs. I think that I spent $2k just on custom Koni's and the .040 pistons alone.