spec tire for it-7

steve s

New member
did any of you guys heard a rumor that their is a drive on to get a spec tire for the it-7 class.??? what do you guys think about that idea???

steve saney
it-7 /it-a #34
Hmmm... since it's a regional only class, and not an official Regional Only class, I'd think that the rumor you heard was just that, a rumor.

Since IT7 doesn't have its own ruleset and up to 15" wheels will be allowed next year in IT, how could they expect to adopt a spec tire?

I might be for it as long as it wasn't a Hoosier

Scott Rhea
It's not what you build...
it's how you build it

Izzy's Custom Cages
I wouldn't be opposed to a spec tire but it would be very difficult to administer due to the division by division character of the class and the need to run in ITA where IT7 isn't authorized. The new wheel diameter options add to the impracticality.
In Pro7 we have a spec tire. I don't see why IT7 would have any issue with it. It sure cuts down on costs if you pick the right one.

On a related note. Pro7 here in SoCal continues to run 13X7 wheels. If anyone has some they are selling because they are changing to 15", you will probably find some buyers here.
thanks for the feed back guys . i am going to stay with my 13inch rim.
i would think a spec tire is a good thing cost wise. but i use kumho and get kumho bucks .free tires!!!!!freebie!!!! don't want to change brands ,but if i have to i will.i already have test data for my suspension setup for all popular tires for the rx 7.so it's not a problem.
i was told that someone in the S.E.div is petetioning for the spec tire .
...I for one do not want a "Spec Tire". I prefer to spend my money on tires that I want and I do not concern myself with what other drivers use.
...So why should they try to impose their choice on those that do not use what they want.
...Maybe they should take into consideration that it may be something other than the tires?

...Rick Thompson #99 IT7
I am not for a "spec tire". Like Steve, I use Kuhmo tires because of their contingency program.

I would not be opposed to IT7 staying with 13" x 7" rims however. That would be a cost savings to all of us. If we were to petition the SE Div to make a rule change that we (IT7) stay with the same rims we have now, I would sign it but not a spec tire petition.

Rick, I need your number again. changed phones and lost it


[This message has been edited by Mike Cox (edited December 21, 2004).]
rick iknow you like those hoosiers, and i know it takes a long time and testing to get the right setup for those tires.
i am not the one petetioning for the spec tire ,since i would be losing my contingency. i heard it's someone from up your way rick ,some where in the georgia/carolina area, maybe you can shed some more light on this and let's kill it before it get to a vote or something worse. I DON'T WANT A SPEC TIRE FOR IT7. that's my vote.

steve saney
it-7 /it-a #34
If Hoosiers are your choice, I imagine the budget required is significant. Unless you have a great contingency program available, and win regularly, your wallet is pretty thin by the end of the season.

IF you substituted Toyos, for example, it is easy to see that an average season would have the tire budget cut in half. For the one guy who wins all the time, the loss of contigency bucks makes the difference smaller....

But...for all the guys who DON'T win, those savings are real.

Spec tires are meant to save money for the entire class.

What about not specing a tire in particualr, nor even a specific manufacturer? I've always liked the idea of mandating certain parameters that would make the tires last longer, thus saving money.

Perhaps disallowing tires under a certain treadwear rating? In other words, run whatever you like as long as it has a treadwear of XXXX or more.

I wouldn't shed a tear if Hoosier was eliminated from the list of choices.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
I'm confused on the wheel issue...The new rule allows us to run a 14 or 15 x 7" rim if we want...but there is no requirement to do so.

Is there a suggestion of a spec wheel or something?

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Picking a cheap, long lasting tire (Toyo) to serve as a spec tire sounds like a good idea. That is until you realize that a new cheap tire is always faster than an old cheap tire. So the racers that are buying Hoosiers now would simply be mounting new cheap tires at every race. So there would still be no economic equality created by a spec tire. Ask a Spec Miata driver about new Hankooks versus old Hankooks.

My strategy is to run every race on just enough tire to win. If the competition is light (or non-existant) I run on the crappiest tires I have in inventory. This makes the occassional Hoosiers that I buy last a lot longer. Last year I ran every race on close out specials from the Tire Rack (Kumho 175/60X13's and old style Hoosier Radials). A good tire budget year. Keeps my boss....I mean my wife happy.

Scott Peterson
KC Region
IT7 #17
just got in the mail my ballot for the spec tire from a blair stitt in north carolina. i guess all you it-7 drivers in the S.E. div will be getting your ballot pretty soon. it has to voted on by the RE's and the SEdiv review board. it also said you can contact the father of it-7. lee graser.

steve saney
it-7 /it-a #34
I have no skin in the game on this. I'm just providing some data for you folks to ponder.

In CalClub Pro7 we run a spec Toyo RA1, 205/60/13. I have found that I can run these Toyos scrubbed, half worn or near the cords and my results this year have been the same regardless. I took 10 out of 11 poles and won 10 out of 11 races. Toyos really are consistent from new until cords are showing. They also last a long time (at least compared to Kumho). Want to drop a thousand or two out of your racing budget next year without affecting how much fun and success you can have? Go with a spec Toyo.

Wow, the Toyos are that consistent! I stand corrected.

In all the years I have been messing with racing tires the only thing that ever came close to what you describe are Goodyear R430 and R240 compound racing slicks. I used to run really big ones on my old Mustang and they were good to the last drop. The DOT Hoosier I have ran over the last couple of years fell off after 4 heat cycles.
All the SM guys will concur, I am sure, on the Toyos. Some even say they are faster later intheir life.

I really cringe ordering these stupid hoosiers. Its throwing money into the air. Stupid.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
I personally love the Hoosier. It is as close as you can get to a real race tire while still being DOT approved. The Toyo is more like a street tire with some sticky rubber. Good, but not great. I raced my friends SM once last season and thought the tire was crap compared to the Hoosier, the ultimate grip is just not there.

I'm voting for no spec tire. It won't save that much money for anyone. If you're a mid pack racer and want to save some cash just go dig through the take off pile, there are plenty of good tires in there for FREE!


Russ Marshall
#31 IT-7
Originally posted by crushed:

I'm voting for no spec tire. It won't save that much money for anyone. If you're a mid pack racer and want to save some cash just go dig through the take off pile, there are plenty of good tires in there for FREE!


How can you say it won't save money?

To run Hoosiers, it costs me about $800 to get a set on the car. Lets say they last 7 sessions before going off. (Some say as little as 4) Thats not even 3 events.

They Toyos last well over 20 sessions. Let's say 24 sessions...thats about 8 events.

Sure the Hoosiers are faster, by a second or maybe two per lap.....but the Toyos are consistent three times as long!!

How can that NOT save big bucks?? Sounds like $1600 to me!

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Last season I could get 5-6 events out of a set. I did the entire ARRC weekend on 1 set (pro-it, arrc, and enduro), and then ran a 2 day track event at RA on the same tires before they went out. Thats something like 7+ HOURS of track use running competitive lap times. not bad. If somone is only getting 3 events on a set of tires they have some setup issues.

So if you're a frontrunner you will get a break on tires from ART by winning races. If you're a mid pack racer you can get by quite happily on take offs (I did so for most of last season). Toyos for everyone still won't make the mid pack guys competitive, and I think most of the frontrunners will agree the Hoosier is much more fun to race on.
Originally posted by Hotshoe:
...So why should they try to impose their choice on those that do not use what they want.
...Maybe they should take into consideration that it may be something other than the tires?

I'll take a crack at this.

I race a car in a class that the "tire to have" falls off quicker and is more expensive than a set of 13" Hoosiers. (Treaded Dunlop Vintage tires that are very soft--think Hoosier dirt stockers on a 1000# car) I use the tires to have because there is a large difference in performance between this choice and the other tire choice.

I would support a spec tire because I do believe it IS something different than the tires. If we are all on the same rubber I have no problem.