Springs - Can anyone help?!?!?!?!?!

Ron Earp

I'm going crazy.

I need some 3" ID, 7" length, 650lb springs for the front of my car.

I order them from company XXXXX, where XXXXX is Pegasus, TrueChoice, etc. They say fine, we'll have them in a week. They call back and say they cannot get them. This has played out about 5 times now and I'm going crazy.

Can anyone help me with a source for these springs, or something close?



Lotus Turbo Esprit
Ford Lightning
RF GT40 Replica
Jensen-Healey: IT prep progressing!
Ron, if the springs you require are for the Jensen-Healey maybe you need to talk with someone from a British car shop. Or try different manufactures of springs then ask the manufacture who sells them. Or go here & try. www.coloradoscca.org/prodcar/

Have Fun

Check with the roundy-round shops - AFCO, Coleman Machine, Lefthander. They have all sorts of spring length/ID/rate stuff in their catalog.

Edit - oops...forgot that Landrum Spring does coils, too - they did some really weird 'rate & width' leaf springs for me in the past - http://www.landrumspring.com/pages/coil.html

Is the 3" ID a hard number ? Can't get by with a more standard 2 5/8" ? What about OD - can you go to the bigger OD springs (5" or bigger pig-tail or ground ends) to get the ID you need ?

Length/rate should be easy, once you find the right ID/OD. If the sizes offered are too long, just buy a longer & lower rate spring, do the math and cut the damn things off.

[This message has been edited by JohnRW (edited December 08, 2004).]