I've done standing starts with NASA and, even though they were interesting in the sense that it was a new experience, I don't think that they are either (1) more fun, or (2) more dangerous than rolling starts. If anything, I think they may be both (1) more boring, and (2) inherently safer!
For one thing, cars aren't going as fast when they get to T1 with a standing start, so while there is increased risk of contact AT the start, everyone is going slower when it's time to slow down and turn.
Second, there's no opportunity for those (those of US, I should say) at the back of the pack to get any kind of run on what's going on up front. I tend to think that I'm generally a pretty good starter, gaining places on the opening lap but I lose that advantage when we are all moving at the same time. If anything, sight lines and what-not make it harder to actually see what's going on up front so we tend to have our qualifying disadvantage magnified by being slow off the mark.
I've always loved the rock 'n roll of a good accordian in the first turn, as people try to go four wide, two in the dirt, and all brake-smokey - making dumb moves. I have some basic strategies that pretty much always work and I don't get to play them with a standing start.