Summary of rule/prep changes (2005-present)?


New member
I am planning a return to the track for the 2010 season after a multi-year absence. I've read through the 2009 GCR and haven't noticed any prep changes since I last raced, but I suspect there are some changes that I just haven't noticed.

Can anyone advise a reasonable way to compare GCR IT prep rules from when I last was paying attention (2004 season) though the current set? Any way to generate a "changebar" document back to 2004? Perhaps annual changebar'd versions of the GCR are archived somwhere (so I could easily catch changes made in 2005, then those made in 2006, etc.)? Or perhaps there are few enough changes that someone has been keeping track of important changes year by year to help us ensure we pass our annuals? :)

Thanks for whatever you can provide,
'83 RX7 - IT7 - Atlanta
LOTS of changes since '05. Not only in the formatting (it went to a different numbering system in '07) but in some safety requirements as well (e.g., door bars).

Unless someone here is willing to do it for you, plan to sit down and read the whole thing, that's the best way to do it. - GA
I went through this with that POS Nissan you saw me struggle with at CMP - I just re-read the entire GCR and made sure I had everything right. I didn't have much to do except the roll cage and a shroud around the fuel cell, upgrade the roll bar padding, new belts, etc.

It'll be good to see you back ion the track!
Thanks Greg and Tim.

I suspected as much, but still harbor hope that there are change-bar'd versions of each annual GCR available somewhere. Back in the day, I remember that each year's GCR came with change bars (though I've just checked back to my 2005 copy and it is changebar-free).

Well, I *may* make your day. Following are links to SCCA's "Master Technical Bulletins", something we as Tech Inspectors use. It's a summary of all FasTrack Changes up-to-date, this way we don't have to keep them all separately. Handy for anyone to have with them at the track.

I still think you should read the GCR carefully, but this might be useful is helping you get up-to-date. Rules/06MasterTechBulletin.pdf Rules/07MasterTechBulletin.pdf Rules/08MasterTechBulletin.pdf ...letin- Updated Through September Fastrack.pdf

Note that the 2009 version is only through September...

Well, I *may* make your day. Following are links to SCCA's "Master Technical Bulletins", something we as Tech Inspectors use. It's a summary of all FasTrack Changes up-to-date, this way we don't have to keep them all separately. Handy for anyone to have with them at the track.

I still think you should read the GCR carefully, but this might be useful is helping you get up-to-date.

My day is made. This is perfect. Between this and a reread of the GCR's, I'll have no excuses to miss anything...

Thanks Greg!