Summit Point MARRS Videos

Anyone know if they are available yet, or where to find out? [/b]
I just received an e-mail from Kent Stipp at 3 AM Studios today, saying that the DVDs are about to be burned, and once he has payment info he'll ship them out. You should e-mail Kent if you're interested - kent-at-3amstudioseast-dot-com.
What's wrong, Rob? Weren't you running in-car??? :dead_horse:

I got ya covered, man!

Damndest thing...... for some reason I forgot to turn it on ;)

Still can't figure out why that 5 minute whistle seemed so short, but if I have to continue to rush when the 5 is blown to finish where I did, I'm going to rush from here on out.
seriously, its like someone lit a match under your seat.

I need to e-mail them and order the DVD, I forgot once again to stop by the crazy hippie bus.
Damndest thing...... for some reason I forgot to turn it on

Rob - You know I have a similar - yet sadder story - :035:

MARRS 4 - You remember - the one that wasn't HOT - when Gregg's car was still broken - I raced - and raced well -

You hear the ballad music right....

Well - I did turn on the Camera - but ....

forgot to rewind the tape - tape ended as I pulled off the grid... missing my first ever trophy - racing to a 3rd - having several good back and forth duels....

So - I have now left a message with Kent - hoping that there will be at least some footage to go with the wood. Especially since I wasn't able to get to MARRS 5 - wife having contractions - and won't be at Labor Day - child actually due last week of August... :wacko: Yes - bad planning - but that kind of planning is hard....

Yes - bad planning - but that kind of planning is hard....
Do not...I repeat...Do not give Kirk and Carolyn any hints about said planning. ;-) I may be slightly off here, but I'm looking for an easy MARRS 1 '07 victory. :birra:

BTW--Kent says the M5 vids are about 3 weeks out.