Summit Pt. trackside tire vendor?


New member
Last year I attended the Roebling Road school and had Appalacian Tire mount up some new Toyos. Fast, friendly and very convenient.

Technically I don't need another school, but I'm signed up for the WDCR School 3/18-20. Unfortunately App-Tire will not be there. Is there another tire vendor like Appalacian in the Northeast, and will they be at the March Driver's school?


The tire vendors generally do not come to the DC region school.

But, fret not, Alex Ratcliffe (the King Rat of King Rat Motorsports) lives 1.1 miles from Summit Point and has a tire mounting machine and a spin balancer. He will be at the track that weekend supporting a rental car for the school.
He may even be able to help you with tires too.
His number is 540-955-9696.
Good luck at the school.
dave parker
wdcr ITC#97