i was just wanting.... why you never see any interest in these cars,wonder why that is? Slow?handeling?power?breaks a lot? ugly? rear suspenion?front? stuff like that. [/b]
You're right....Geez. What a big bully/ meanie.
What if the lack of 'merican options in IT was a "barrier to entry?"
On Edit - I'm only half kidding about this. There's no question that the Cavalier family (yeah, they are basically the same cars) has a following.
Nerlie asfass as mah Tee-Are-Ate. [/b]
.....because they are lame pieces of American crap?
Hey, bite me Mazda boy!!!
referring to the posts above, the SUNFIRE is not a SUNBIRD and subsequently not the same as a chevy cavalier... [/b]
SO where in the IT classification does the sunfire fall? I can't seem to find it... [/b]