Taking a year off


New member
For the first time in 5 years of racing it looks like I may not be able to get the minimum 2 races in this year. Last year I just barely got the the required 2 in, and this year is looking worse. Our business has gone insane last year and this year, and we are playing catch-up with regards to proper staffing levels and related infrastructure. It will be a bunch better by the end of this year or Q1 of 07.

If I don't complete 2 races this year will I have to take the schooling and such over to regain my license??

Depends...on your local lic steward. If he knows you, and your rep is good and lic is clean, then probably OK.
Hmm, interesting how that works. I don't even know who the current licensing steward is, never had to meet him/her. Rep should be fine as far as I know, license is clean...

Talk to any friendly Steward, they'll know. Or look it up for your Div. I'm sure the answer is on someones website! Where are you?
I realize I can find the licensing guys name. What I was getting at is they will not know me from adam.

Anyway, I suppose I should find my 06 gcr and see if there is any mention of this type situation.

When licensing time rolls around, compile a list of your races and finishing positions for the last few years. Submit those to your Divisional Licensing Administrator, along with your written request (and all the other paperwork) for a regional license renewal. Explain the circumstances as to why you didn't make the required 2 races. Unless there's a problem, most DLA's will grant one request. If you have to do it for a 2nd year, plan on doing a school. If you can submit a letter from a "character witness" - somebody who is well known and who has raced with you - even better.

(and, yes - I'm a steward)

Would races with another organization (i.e. you did run some races, just not with SCCA) help or hurt such a waiver after a single season w/o SCCA races?

Would races with another organization (i.e. you did run some races, just not with SCCA) help or hurt such a waiver after a single season w/o SCCA races?

I am told that it can help. I am aware of one person (who has only raced in one SCCA race in the last 2 years) who was told by their DLA that if they successfully finished a NASA weekend, they would waive their participation requirements for a regional license. Officially, technically, it has little bearing - but in real life, it can't hurt. ;)
I realize I can find the licensing guys name. What I was getting at is they will not know me from adam.


That's probably worth several points in YOUR FAVOR. In many cases, it's problems that create the familiarity.