Pro IT Race - Summit Point - June 26-27


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Upcoming Events: June '10
Show: Washington DC Region SCCA

Sanction # 10-R-1148-S & 10-R-1149-S June 26-27, 2010
Summit Point Motorsports Park, Summit Point WV

Two (2) 15 minute qualifying on Saturday
45 minute race on Sunday

PRACTICE DAY: 304-725-8444
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Im real excited to get down to Summit this year! Glad the PRO IT series is mixing it up with new tracks.
Summit is a cool track. The paddock area is, well, old skool. LOL. Bring your best dampers and damper gurus for the track.
If you're coming down this year, keep an eye out for the race reports from MARRS 4, as well as from any other groups that run there between now and then. They repaved parts of the track this spring, and reports from MARRS 1 were not complimentary. Bumpy in places and reportedly very abrasive. Maybe the abrasiveness will go away with more use, but I doubt the bumpy will. I'm hoping to get out there for MARRS 5 that weekend, but that's still up in the air, and will partly depend on what I hear about the track surface after the next race.
SO if I sign up for the normal MARRS race, will I have to sign up for this race seprately?

Appears that way. There is already a double dipper entered.

Pro-IT ITA - includes IT7 & SRX7
Pro-IT ITR - includes the NASA 944 & NASA E30
Pro-IT SM - includes SSM
Registration Information

To expand on Darrell's post:

The Pro IT classes have been changed slightly. They are now

Pro-ITA includes SRX7 and IT7
Pro-ITR includes NASA Spec 944
Pro-IRS includes NASA Spec E30
Pro-ITSM includes SSM

The MARRS regional and the Pro IT are set up in a single listing on DLB. Under Entry Fee, you can select either MARRS or Pro IT. If you are entering the Pro IT, under Class, select one of the options above. If you are entering MARRS, under Class, select your normal class (ITx or SM).

If you want to enter both MARRS and the Pro IT, it will require you to register twice. If you enter and participate in both, you will be eligible for a $50 rebate from the DC Region.

Great racing at NJMP yesterday, can't wait for the reports on the final laps.

How was MARRS 4?

If you want track time at MARRS 5 you can get plenty with the regional races and Pro IT.
Summit is a cool track. The paddock area is, well, old skool. LOL. Bring your best dampers and damper gurus for the track.

The Summit Point paddock has finite space, but has been able to comfortably accommodate everybody at events this year.

In terms of paddocking, you have two options:

1. You can reserve a space in one of the corrals. The corral scheme was set up a few years ago to help alleviate the Thursday evening 'land rush'. Portions of the paddock are allocated to class or group use. You can request a space in the appropriate corral.

This relieves you from having to queue up and look for a space. In exchange, you undertake to occupy a certain amount of space. The various class or group drivers reps handle space requests.

Contact me (john [at] johnnesbitt [dot] [com]) or Terry Hanushek, and we can put you in touch with the relevant drivers rep.

2. A large fraction of the paddock is not reserved. You can do as before, and find a space in the non-reserved area on a first-come, first-served basis.

As for the track surface, BSR rolled the pavement just before MARRS 4, and reportedly smoothed out (some of) the bumps. I'll let folks who drove last weekend speak to traction, etc.
Paddock Parking

To expand on John's comments and the discussion at our NJMP drivers meeting yesterday, the Summit Point paddock tends to be a bit undersized for the full fields at MARRS events. To manage the situation, the DC Region Club Racing Committee has divided the main paddock into 'corrals' or group specific areas. You can view the paddock map on the WDCR web site.

After discussing the situation with the CRC, we feel that it is best to directly contact the driver Representatives for your respective groups.

- ITR and ITS - Marshall Lytle --> Marshall (at)

- ITA - Gregg Ginsberg --> Gregg (at)

- ITB - Charlie Broring --> CBroring (at)

- SM - Mike Collins --> Mike (at)

If you contact the appropriate representative and let him know the size of your rig and when you will be arriving, plans can be made to accommodate you.

As John mentioned, there is a reasonable amount of unreserved paddock space. It is available on a first come, first served basis and tends to be on the periphery beyond the blacktop or outside of the track.


Summit Point Paddock

One small update on Terry's post. The paddock map will likely be revised slightly in the coming days, shrinking the size of (some of) the corrals.

Check with the appropriate drivers rep.
Portions of the paddock are allocated to class or group use. You can request a space in the appropriate corral.

I understand some of the theory behind allocating it for classes, but wish they just could reserve space for people in general. The land rush for some of the larger events in years past can make finding a spot quite interesting. LOL

Curious to hear more about the repave and where it happened.
Summit is a cool track. The paddock area is, well, old skool. LOL. Bring your best dampers and damper gurus for the track.

Jake, come on now. Even the back woods has power and other then one area does not easilly get swamped if it rains. It is way better then the 250+ feet of 15 amp cord we used to run just to make coffee in the AM if you paddocked back there. And with all the shade its cooler then the pavement.
Curious to hear more about the repave and where it happened.

Pretty much just the turns. Initially, the pavement ate tires, but at MARRS 4 last weekend I didn't chew them up as bad. Subsequent to the repave, they have been running a roller over the new pavement to smooth it out, as well as coating it with some sort of sealer with silica (sand) in it.

Some have said it was not as fast, but at MARRS 1, some class records were broken, and those same folks were darn fast last weekend.

Here is a thread with some pics and video of the changes just after the repave It's slightly different now, but most of the big problems seem to be better (bump at 4 and 9 for instance)
I would love to double dip this event but $630 for both regional and Pro-it races is hard to swallow. I do appreciate the $50 rebate and glad there trying to make it less painful, but thats almost a set of tires :shrug:
Jake, come on now. Even the back woods has power and other then one area does not easilly get swamped if it rains. It is way better then the 250+ feet of 15 amp cord we used to run just to make coffee in the AM if you paddocked back there. And with all the shade its cooler then the pavement.

True, and none of which can be said for Lime Rocks Paddock B. Although it is level.
Still time to register. This is under the MARRS 5 entry. We are Group 10.

Also, get me your W9 if you can so I can cut you at check at Summit or WGI or NJMP.