TEAMDI Pro-IT series Split Start Proposal?


New member
I started a thread on the TeamDI Pro-IT Series website and I would love for the participants to go over and post their thoughts so that the drivers can be heard. If anyone knows what the SM thread the SM drivers use could you post this their as well?

I am hoping others may support me in the idea of taking our series to the next level and having split starts for SM vs. IT. The SCCA National ranks do this frequently and SM is split from Touring and SS. The reality is that the SM guys are getting messed up by the IT cars and the same is happening for us. I will refrain from personal opinions and just ask if you think this would benefit all that are involved. I think this would be an excellent way to promote this grassroots program and help this series grow in interest. Having our own PRO-SM series and a PRO-IT series embeded with eachother would make this series even better than it already is (IMHO) I know that Terry and Bob and others read the thread on the ProITseries website so please post your opinion so that they can hear us. I truelly think they will do what we (the drivers) feel is the best thing to do.

FYI, if anyone thinks its "to complicated" please realize this past weekend in the TeamDI PRO-IT we did not do a split start but the SCCA NATIONAL event the same day DID do a split start. All the same workers and people involved so it really is not that complicated and if the NATIONAL guys/gals can do it so can we!

Thanks for your input, both for or against!
Stephen Blethen
2008 TeamDI Pro-ITB series Champoion! the worlds first HD wearable camcorder
Split starts don't always work, case in points yesterdays National at LRP.
Fast Miatas were 5 seconds a lap faster than the first group's slower cars.
By lap 2 the lead Miatas were already into the lead group.
By mid race a Miata was 5th overall, SS cars were always in the way.

At NHMS, SSM and GTL/production groups were split and it worked as it should

I don't have the answer at this point but do think we need to find a way????

Those damn Miatas can't live with them, can't live without them!
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even in the case that you cite, lots of people like the fact that by the time the faster cars of the 'slower' class catch the slower cars of the 'faster class', there is more 'room to work' as things have spread out a bit. If those same car are all together in the race start, the results are often decided by out of class cars blocking one, but not the other of the slower class cars. it becomes a bit random. Once things have stretched out a bit, it lessens the issues. Of course, there are still issues...