Teg alignment


New member
After a head-on recently we are trying to get the Teg checked for bent frame and alignment. Found a shop willing to check on a frame machine but they are asking for alignment specs? Looking for anyone running Integra that could recommend baseline alignment specs!?
Looking for anyone running Integra that could recommend baseline alignment specs!?
"Alignment specs"? Methinks they don't understand what they're asking. A frame shop should have documentation of the correct chassis measurement points and distances; if they don't have that then I'm not quite sure if they understand what they're doing. Maybe you can ask around for a good frame shop that knows this?

But, that said, your FSM has all the standard chassis datum points and distances.
I think they are looking for recommended toe and chamber, because he was commenting on the angle of the tire when we were showing him what happened! We have the frame measurements. We haven't changed toe and chamber since we bought the car, so were looking for baseline values of what others are running. I probably didn't ask for the right thing! You know me Greg, I am still getting the terminology down!
A frame shop should not be interested in how the car was aligned, especially since it was likely nowhere near factory to begin with and you don't know what it was. The frame shop's responsibility is to get the car on a frame machine and check all the datum on the chassis itself to see if it's bent and where. Alignment is irrelevant.

They can visually inspect all the suspension components if they wish (something you're going to do anyway) but if all they're going to do is stick some tire alignment gauges on the car and see how that lines up then they're wasting your time and money.

Bring it to a FRAME shop, someone associated with a quality body repair shop, not to an alignment shop. If you want to bring it down to our area we can make some recommendations.

Let me echo Greg's comments. My suspicion is that the shop will only straighten out your car until the alignment is "correct" = FAIL. There are a couple of good frame shops in albany as well.