Thank you ISAAC!


New member
This past weekend I raced the Fun One at Watkins Glen. During the ITA/ITS race on the short course, Sunday, I was punted from the track around lap five. I was exiting the carousel when Ben Phillips ITS#33 attempted an inside pass as I was heading toward the apex. I went up on two wheels and nearly flipped. When the car landed, I slid on to the grass heading into the boot, and it felt like the car took off like a rocket. The first impact was the RX7's right front corner clipping the retaining wall which sent the car into a violent spin. Next, the major impact occured when the back end of the car slammed the wall with a solid hit. When the car finnally came to a stop, I was able to unbelt, pull the pins on my ISAAC, and emerge from the car unhurt. Ben Phillips walked down check if I was alright, and I thank God that we both were unharmed.

I credit Greg Baker and the ISAAC system as a significant part of the safety equation that allowed me to survive this crash with nothing more than minor soreness in my neck and shoulder muscles. The back of the RX7 is FUBR and consequently the unibody is totaled. I will attempt to either buy or build a new race car. The crash increased my addiction and desire to continue to race. Thank you again Greg.

Bill Emery
Glen Region
ITA#23 to ???
Bill glad to hear that you plan to keep on racing. I'm sure that was one hell of a scary ride. Hope to see you on the track real soon!

Bill Weaver
ITA RX-7 #63 :023:
Hey Bill just read your post. MY wife and I watched that incident. OMG it was scary to watch, can't imagine being involved..sheesh !!!.........I'm so glad you are OK and that you and your ISAAC survived such an impact. There have been way to many fatal injuries this year. It's very comforting to know that the safety devices, in this case and ISAAC System, when bought and used, will work and can save us from serious injuries. I too have and use an ISAAC System and would never race without it. I want to thank Greg also.... :happy204:

Please everyone put one of these on your Christmas list.......
You guys can be embarassing. Thank you very much for the accolades, but they just keep me around here because of my pretty face. The real credit goes to this crew: The Crew.

Bill and I have corresponded on this, so we're learning more as thing progress, but I wonder if anyone has video of this? Anyone?
Originally posted by gsbaker@Oct 14 2005, 09:47 AM
...... but they just keep me around here because of my pretty face.  .......

You gonna stick with that story????

Speaking of which - crashes, not bimbos - we've added a new feature to that allows drivers to share "real-life adventures" that relate to head and neck restraints and how they can provide protection. Unless something happens to change it, our policy will be to post any narrative as long as (1) it is a firsthand account, (2) it informs the racing public about the realities of this potentially ugly business, and (3) it stops short of endorsing a particular make of H&N system.

We want, first and foremost, for everyone to choose to use a system. Second, we want drivers to be informed to the degree that they can choose the system that best meets their individual needs. Both of those missions require information and this is a chance to share some.

I don't know, Kirk. I think you'd get more traffic with a Bimbos page.

BTW, feel free to include our customers' stories. You'd have to edit any mention of Isaac products, of course, but all these users have offered to publically tell their tales. It's here.
I'm not comfortable appropriating their words, or replicating what you have on your site, but please pass on to them that we would LOVE to have them tell their stories through our medium as well.

kirk, I understand, of course, your desire to avoid endorsements, but....

I would have a hard time re-telling my story (last seen on the Isaac site) without mentioning not only the name, but the properties. I had a small fire and needed to get out, and the video captured it, so I was able to time how long the entire procedure actually took, and I could even break it down into sections of time.

In this case the story has merit because it provides real world data about the actual time it takes to release the pins, which are something specific to the Isaac.

The story could, of course, go the other way, and detail how unacceptably long it took to release the pins, or how the protrusion of my HANS caught on the cage/net and I couldn't exit the car quickly....

Drawing the line on the "endorsement" might be tough. Perhaps a guideline would be in order.
I believe Kirk is looking for stories that send the message, "Head and neck restraints are good," rather than anything that is product specific. The latter is certainly valuable but may be beyond the scope of the site's mission.

There are a lot of my-car-was-turned-into-subatomic-particles-but-my-neck-only-hurt-for-two-days stories out there, for most all products.

Our marketing department likes the idea of, but that's not in keeping with the spirit of Kirk's efforts. :D