The quest for power...

Andy Bettencourt

Super Moderator
MoTec won't be in the Miata for the first event and the suspension will be far from sorted...too much going on for it to get dedicated attention. It should be a fun car at LRP.


i suppose dyno #'s are too much to hope for here? or any other information about that sweet lookin piece?
i suppose dyno #'s are too much to hope for here? or any other information about that sweet lookin piece? [/b]

You will get them when I do! Thing isn't even running yet. 3 rental cars that got totally redone and tooooo many customer Miata's have squeezed the ITA effort to the breaking point....

yeah, it will be a shame if that motor has to collect too much dust before its finally mated to a tub and tuned properly.