There goes $200


Super Moderator
I am looking at racing an RX-7 again. The first time was in '93. At that time I bought a book titled "How to Modify Your Mazda Rx-7" by Dave Emanuel. I went to look for it the other day and remembered throwing it away about 3-4 years ago figuring I would never race a RX-7. When I looked for one on-line I was delighted to find out they are out of print and used ones run between $200 and $300. Never throw away a book!

[This message has been edited by tom_sprecher (edited June 03, 2005).]
Every once in a while you'll find one for a more realistic price.

Haven't had my hands on one, but I'd imagine that 99% of the info in it is available on the web.

Welcome back!

Scott Rhea
It's not what you build...
it's how you build it

Izzy's Custom Cages
i looked at the thread, because i thought it was a suggestion or a vote on what to rename IT racing. even though i only have a C car, i often feel like the topic... there goes $200 for brakes... there goes $200 for a tire... there goes $200 for a strut... there goes $200 for a new ignition box... there goes... awww you get it.

Greensboro, NC
White There Goes $200 C Honda CRX #4

[This message has been edited by iambhooper (edited June 03, 2005).]
There goes $200 for a strut??? Oooo...I wish I had your car!

World Challenge guys have dampers in the $1000 range....per corner.

I've seen ITA cars with dampers in that range too.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
I bought my copy used for $85 through an online bookstore. It now sports Jim Downing's autograph making it worth at least $90.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv
World Challenge guys have dampers in the $1000 range....per corner


ohlins subaru STi rally struts are in the neighborhood of $4000.... PER CORNER.

You can cheap out and by proflex for $2K a corner...