Third Generation Ignition Problems

Jim Innella

New member
I race an IT7 MAzda in the Southeast area but need some advise on my 94 RX-7 street car. Hope you don't mind. Car has run great in the past. I put a new starter in and about two months later started experiencing problems starting the car. I'll get zero power to the starter, car doesn't even click. The battery is fine and I can start it by making an arc with a screw driver from th positive and negative starter poles. The car will turn over and start immediately when I do that. I have had the starter checked out and I am told it is fine.The car starts about 75% of the time and gives me the most trouble when it is raining.I had it checked out by my local Mazda shop and they said they found a frayed wire.About a week later the car was having the same problem.I thought it could be a problem with the key code not triggering the stock alarm which is an engine shut down type, but have been told that wouldn't be the problem. I know we use this site for race car issues and many of you have helped me with my race questions in the past, I hate to ask for help with this street car but I am getting desperate.The car doesn't look too cool when you have to lye on the ground underneath it to start it.Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Jim I
IT7 #60
I can't say I've had any simlar problem with my RX7, but some of my old small blocks had the occasional problem that sounds very close to yours. My problem was the starter solenoid...the only way I could start it was the screw driver across the terminals as you have described.

Did they check the solenoid when they check the starter?

I also had one starter develope a dead spot when the motor stopped in just the right spot that was simlar...but it doesn't sound quite the same.
Jim, Could be the ignition switch. I have seen the start position on the switch go bad. Bring it by the shop on Saturday and I can take a look at it.

David Haskell
Could it also be a bad/loose/misaligned clutch position switch?

(Not sure the 3rd gens have one)

If the car has cruise, does it work or turn off sometimes for no apparent reason? Many CC equiped cars have two switches on the the clutch pedal (one for the safety start mode and another for the "turn off the cruise mode").

Good luck!
Thanks for the input. No problems with the cruise control. And I think the solenoid is built into the starter so I thougtthat woud have been checked out when they checked the starter.
Dave, thanks for the offer but right now my daughter has the car in Maryland, so i can't get it to you.DAve also I called Sylvain to thank him because he gave me some driving pointers on the track day at Sebring and I picked ou over a second a lap during the races. I guess it makes a difference when you know what your talking about.Strangely he got me going faster and I felt like I was going slower (more in control).Thanks again
Hey jim,
Had the same prob. with my 2nd gen. my problem was in the ign. switch. from time to time i would go to start the car and nothing would happen. go under tap the starter with a hammer. sometimes it worked sometimes it didnt. One day i finnaly stumbled upon the solution. if it wouldn't start, i would turn the key from off to start a few times and eventually she would fire up. Normally took about 3 times of off to start. Not sure if this is a real fix for ya or not, but it got me through. Best of Luck

IT7 #88
PowerTrip Racing
Originally posted by Jim Innella:
I'll get zero power to the starter, car doesn't even click

"simple" problem somewhere between battery and starter solenoid

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I can start it by making an arc with a screw driver from the positive and negative starter poles. The car will turn over and start immediately when I do that.</font>

the fact that it starts evertyime when you do this means (a) the starter is good and (B) the solenoid is good. It also indicates that the problem is somewhere between the batt+ and starter solenoid circuitry (all the stuff you just bypassed by doing thte screwdriver thing)

I would bet it's one of the two:
ignition switch
clutch safety switch--you do have to have the clutch pedal in to start the car using the ignition switch, right?
I've had a similiar problem with my 2 gen. Won't start after a hard autocross run or a track session. everything electrical works except the the starter. It starts after everything cools down,but i'm not sure it's heat related. I recently got rid of the security system which has a start kill. This is wired into the starter circuit at the starter relay. On my car this is located by the trailing coil.Simply remove the security system connections. I won't know if this has done it till the next time on track. I also disconnected the clutch switch.
Good luck,
No guessing here! Change the ign switch. The contact in the start position is wearing out and that is why sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. You are not getting enough voltage from the switch to the starter solenoid to fire it. The old screwdriver trick will work everytime because you are eliminating the ign switch in this process and putting the full charge from the battery to the starter solenoid.

Ray Lee Chee
[email protected]