Jim Innella
New member
I race an IT7 MAzda in the Southeast area but need some advise on my 94 RX-7 street car. Hope you don't mind. Car has run great in the past. I put a new starter in and about two months later started experiencing problems starting the car. I'll get zero power to the starter, car doesn't even click. The battery is fine and I can start it by making an arc with a screw driver from th positive and negative starter poles. The car will turn over and start immediately when I do that. I have had the starter checked out and I am told it is fine.The car starts about 75% of the time and gives me the most trouble when it is raining.I had it checked out by my local Mazda shop and they said they found a frayed wire.About a week later the car was having the same problem.I thought it could be a problem with the key code not triggering the stock alarm which is an engine shut down type, but have been told that wouldn't be the problem. I know we use this site for race car issues and many of you have helped me with my race questions in the past, I hate to ask for help with this street car but I am getting desperate.The car doesn't look too cool when you have to lye on the ground underneath it to start it.Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Jim I
IT7 #60
Jim I
IT7 #60