This Rocks

That is hysterical. Brought back memories of spinning my Dad's Chevette on Rte 89 in Vermont (many moons ago). Hit a patch of ice and bounced off the guardrail... ended up facing oncoming traffic. The only thing missing in this video was my passenger's face as he saw the 18 wheeler coming at us!

Anthony R.

I love how the guy gives the open palm thing after every incident...except the last one!

i bet we have witnessed the ENTIRE surviving collection of Chevettes (I hope) in NA...

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Just goes to prove two things. People in the far North have way too much time on their hands, and that prolonged exposure to the cold makes your brain do funny things!

And yes, let's hope that's the entire world's supply of chevettes!

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
Kurt not to toss you under the bus but why can't your in car shots be put to music and have numbers that jump out of the screen. I mean if your going to show us spinning out a Miata come on, put some tunes with it. With words like don't mess with fat chicks, like the Mustang! about a few words for the production quality? Prety damn good if you ask me, and well edited. Very funny......

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
I took the race car for a drive this evening to see if the custom chip actually lets it rev to 7500rpm - it goes to 7K, anyway - and I passed a Chevette in a yard somewhere in the boonies South of Greensboro. There's at least ONE left.

Bill - people in the far north don't have too much time on their hands...they just hate sitting around, or watching over-paid sociopath pro athletes play with their balls.

I myownsef was ice racing yesterday. AMEC ( had 50+ cars out on Caroga Lake. Beautiful was 6 deg. F when I got to the 'paddock' in the morning, but it warmed up a bit by race time.

You guys might think this stuff looks silly, but next time you get WAXED in the rain by a faster driver - ask yourself "I wonder if he's an ice racer ?"
Originally posted by JohnRW:
...You guys might think this stuff looks silly, but next time you get WAXED in the rain by a faster driver - ask yourself "I wonder if he's an ice racer ?"

That brings back memories of growing up in the frozen tundra. With a December birthday, I spent the first three months with a license with the tires never touching pavement. I recall Friday nights in empty parking lots with my buddies seeing who could spin the biggest donuts--360s were considered easy. The parents nearly had multiple heart attacks, but at 16 I thought it was a hoot.

The family never owned a set of snow tires ("If you need snow tires you're not good enough to drive in the show," said Dad), and no one got towed.
Originally posted by JohnRW:
You guys might think this stuff looks silly, but next time you get WAXED in the rain by a faster driver - ask yourself "I wonder if he's an ice racer ?"

NOT at ALL! It looks like a hoot! But I HATE being cold...besides, so far my rain (and hail?) record is OK by me....

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Ice racing??

I think I'll take the RX7 to Firebird this weekend and play in the winter sun. The temp is only supposed to be about 75. Almost too cold for racing!!
hehe, spent the first 22 years of my life living on the tip of Lake Michigan - this brings back memories. We used to get our cars out on a frozen man made lake and run them. You learn gas and gears are you friend, brakes are not.

Yee-ha! Weve done that ice racing thing for years. It's by far the biggest bang for the buck! Tons of fun. You have a $100 car, $400 tires and pretty much no rules. The car to beat here was an automatic Dodge Omni that had TALL 15" rear tires and short 13" front tires. All the weight was on the front. We even think he had a sand bag over each front shock tower (and of course a rip in each bag!)

The toughest car was a Citation X11. Tough as dirt, but slow. Here in Atlantic Canada we don't have the very cold winters anymore, thus the lakes & ponds are now too soft to drive on. Springs-a-coming...
Ice racing is great!!! Used to ice race motorcycles; just got the kart spiked up to try it this weekend. Gave up on the Honda circle-tracker, didn't want to spend 5 times as much on tires as the car!

Too bad we only seem to have circle-track ice w2w races here. Of course we do have the autocross ice trials ( for turning both ways which are also very fun.

[email protected]
<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>My racing page
</A><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Elkhart Lake Racing_&_Sipping Society
Unfortunately, the ice racing in the NW or actually the SW, Canada that is has been cancelled due to record setting warm temps for this time of year. We even had record temps in the mid 60's but have been hovering in the high 40's to mid 50's for the past few weeks. All the ski resorts have closed at this point.

We are all hoping a cold front will show up and displace the Pinapple Express otherwise we probably won't have enough water to flush a toilet come this August.

Here is the website link to the org that runs out here.
