Time for the NER and other regions to develop “ownership” of specific tracks?

gran racing

Super Moderator
In the NARRC thread, there’s been discussion about membership involvement with regions.

I think that this is indicative of a slightly larger problem. One of involvement. It seems that decisions may be made without group consensus. I do realize that pissing off everyone is a consensus...but it may not be best for the club. I find access to the "process" difficult to come by for many aspects of this club. I would be VERY interested in being more involved. How? While I don't think this is a secret back room, special password type of club, I do think we could do a better job seeking (or receiving) the help of our members.[/b]

Rob Breault

In NER the Road Racing Board meets monthly in Worcester, MA @ 7:30PM on a Friday. Few drivers without any administrative ties attend these meetings. This is where driver input and participation starts. If you as driver want to gain control of the NARRC series rules, you need to be involved in the administrative process; otherwise you are at the mercy of the decisions made by those that for the most part are administrators and non racers. (and I thank them for doing so)[/b]

Dave Patten

I’ve often thought about becoming more involved with a region, but wonder which one? I consider the NER to be my home region, therefore that would be the obvious decision or would it? Since I primarily race at LRP, it would make sense for me to become involved with the region that hosts those events. From what I understand, LRP falls into the NER’s “territory” but other regions are given permission to host events there. (It’s possible that I’ve misunderstood this.) When looking at the LRP schedule, events are hosted by several different regions. Mohawk Hudson, NER (2), Northern NJ (2), and the NY region. How confusing!

I’m sure all of this has its reasoning and there’s plenty of history behind it, but from an outsider it sure does complicate things. If the new Palmer racetrack happens, maybe that will be an opportune time for regions to truly have assigned tracks and that region would be the only one to host events there.
A few points:

1: SCCA requires that each region receive written permission to hold a race within the boundry of another region, so yes, NER must allow the other three regions that run at Lime Rock to race there.

2: If NER were to not allow one of the regions to run at Lime Rock, there is nothing that says the track has to rent the track to any SCCA region for that weekend. The track could simply rent to some other club that probably gives them less problems.

3: It isn't clear the NER wants to add more dates to an already fairly full schedule.
If the new Palmer racetrack happens, maybe that will be an opportune time for regions to truly have assigned tracks and that region would be the only one to host events there.

Why would that be "opportune" ?