Tire Size for Long Track/ Short track Sports Drinks?


Ok when runing short track vrs Long track do I want to bring a Larger Circumference? And since I'm paying more attention to ingredient/nutrition labels some of the "sports" drinks look like they have way too sugar and calories any brand do the job better without as many calories and HIGH sugar content. Probably good old water still the best bet? Thanks TW :eclipsee_steering:
As a former bicycle racer, I've seen a similar discussion on sports drinks. Basically any sugar will slow the absorption of fluid down, but replacing electrolites is also important too. A factor that's over looked is the source of the sugars, high fructose is often associated with digestional issues and is used in the liquid sports drinks. Your best bet is to drink a half strength powder drink before you get thursty. Powdered gaterade is easy to find, or try any local bicycle shop, performance, or REI you can find crytomax which is good alternative. I bring gallon jugs of water in ice with me, I can then mix the powder in or just drink the straight water.

Right...and in a pinch, get Powerade, or Gatorade and mix like coolant, 50/50 with water.

On the tires, it's going to affect shift points, ride height, and acceleration. Check with the driver.

Basic rule of thumb is that if you can, gear so that you've run out of revs on the longest straight in the top gear.

(Exception is cars with low power and ultra tall fuel economy 5th gears)