Tire Storage


New member
So do to some last minute work conflicts I had a change of schedule and had to miss the last 3 events of the year that I was planning on running, one of them was an enduro, so I now have more good(new) tires left at the end of the season than I was planning to have!!!!! (We should all be so lucky)

But I want to see what you guys think the best way to store these during the off season, so that they will still have some life left in them next year. I have heard of people wrapping them in saran (sp?) wrap. I also imagine that I don’t want to leave them in a un-heated garage that will be subject to freezing and thawing

Thanks in advance for your advice

Matt Bal
Originally posted by vwmann1@Oct 25 2005, 01:42 PM
Just remind her how much money you are saving for next year.

Get enough garbage bags to lay a path to your basement stairs! :D
okay, very possibly a stupid question...but I did read all of the posts, and even read tire racks version.
I cannot find where it says whether or not you bleed all of the air out of the tires for storage, or leave them inflated. Does it matter?
I've heard both things on both ways. I've left them mounted, inflated to about 20+, but wrapped in dark plastic and kept in a mayonnaise jar in Funk and Wagnall's basement with no problems. Unmounted is best, but I have a hard time finding someone locally that can mount a 9" tire on a 6" rim. And time frequently runs short at the races.
Hoosier says "deflated";but EVERYONE is in agreement as to the following--wrapped in plastic , stored in a cool dark place (not frozen) and away from electric motors.

yeah, I am going to do all the rest, just wasnt sure about leaving the air in them.
guess I'll deflate them, shouldnt hurt.