Torsen diff question


New member
I run a 4.88 torsen diff in my second gen, and am considering building a spare diff of mine into a torsen 5.12 -Hoping you guys could answer some questions about the torsen. (bear with me im not very familiar with diffs)

-Where do the torsen components come from? 94-98 miata?

-does this all drop into the stock 2nd gen housing?

-wouldent it be illegal to run an entire 94 miata torsen diff?

-how much does whatever im looking for cost!? (i already have a spare 2nd gen diff and im aware of the RandP cost)

Thanks a bunch!
Here are the short answers:

1) In general the torsen units come out of the 94+ 1.8L Miatas. The 94-98 model years should work. I do not know about more recent models.

2) It is a drop in replacement for the 2nd gen NA open diff. There only issue seems to be if you have an S5 (89-91) viscous type diff, then the stub shaft lengths will be wrong and you will need a set from an open diff.

3) Per the GCR you have to use the case from the RX-7, but the actual unit is open.

4) Miata torsens seem to be going for around $400+ right now.

Go over to and search the forums for "torsen swap". Crispy also has a decent writeup of the operation here:

Hope this helps,
