Toyo RA-1 higher wear rates?


New member
Anyone noticing higher wear rates recently?

I'm mostly concerned with the 205.50.r15 size.

If you know anything, please let me know.

I would suggest reading the boards on this subject.
To summarize: Many people are seeing higher wear rates, and the treadwear number changed, but Toyo is telling us that there has been no change.

Hmm. The wear rate increased, the treadwear number changer (lower?). Did their lap times also decrease?

Just curious.
Originally posted by x-ring:
Hmm. The wear rate increased, the treadwear number changer (lower?). Did their lap times also decrease?

Just curious.

Some have said they seem a bit quicker. But there's really no hard evidence of either higher wear rates or faster times. It's just a feeling some have had.

Toyo is trying to get to the bottom of it. We'll see I guess.