trans fluid leak (86 RX-7)


New member
I've got a leak on my 2nd gen RX-7 that I'm trying to fix that I was hoping someone had some feedback on. It seems like the fluid is seeping out between the drive shaft and the rear transmission seal. When I first got the car, it had a broken front diff mount, and the trans seal was trashed. So, I replaced the mount and the seal and it seemed ok. Three races later, and the seal is leaking again. Has anyone else had this problem? How did you fix it? I'm thinking I should replace the seal and the drive shaft, but I'm not sure if that's the real solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Todd Bubar
86 Mazda RX-7
Todd--Many times it is not the seal that is the problem, but the shaft stub going through the seal.

If it is scored, ridged, etc., it will rip up a new seal fairly quickly. Replacing the seal just temporaily treats the symptom.

(This also happens a lot with "leaky" rear main seals in certain types of engines. The leak is caused by a scored crankshaft end)

Just a thought.

Good Luck.
I have experienced a similar situation on several transmissions. I am working on a theory that the tail housing bushing/bearing get's worn out, causing too much play on the driveshaft yoke allowing it to leak.

I have tried replacing the driveshaft and seal yet somehow I always have a leak. Some transmissions are worse than others.

Paul D'Angelo
Indy Region