UNOFFICIAL 2005 schedule


New member
The big news out of last night's Club Racing Meeting is the 2005 schedule. This is reasonably firm, but by no means official. If I have a few details wrong, forgive me - Dick or Brian can correct any errors.

Apr 15-17: School and regional, NHIS

May 6-7: School and regional, LRP

July 9-10: Double regional, NHIS

July 30-31: Regional, WGI (You read that right! Hosted by Glen Region, this will be a NERRC and NYSRRC points race.)

Aug 27-28: Regional and enduro, NHIS

Sept 10-11: Double regional, NHIS

Sept 16-17: NARRC Runoffs, LRP (Why so early? Apparently LRP is holding the traditional early October dates for a potential second Busch North race.)
Remember the school (more of a track day) for non-racers at LRP before a 3 hr enduro? Is that also being held in 2005?

I have a friend who's pretty interested and I was telling him about it the other day.


ps - thanks for posting the schedule, nice to see it so early this year!

[This message has been edited by Diane (edited November 20, 2004).]
WGI... Nice!

I would think long both days since it's not a double and a NERRC and NYSRRC event?????

[edit]I can't wait to see the NARRC and NYSRRC schedule.

[This message has been edited by 0100 (edited November 20, 2004).]
Originally posted by ulfelder:

July 30-31: Regional, WGI (You read that right! Hosted by Glen Region, this will be a NERRC and NYSRRC points race.)

Hmmm....Interesting. Guess I have to go to WGI to support my region. (I need a good reason for the wife.

the glen race at the end of july may also be a marrs event. yeah ha! a tri-region runoff!

Unforutnately IT7 is not a MARRS class. IT7 was talked about last year among the ITA rx7 guys but they never made the attempt to get the class established.
dave parker
wdcr ITC#97
Originally posted by lateapex911:
coool.....does that mean that IT7 will appear? Its a MARRS class I think, right?

Spec rx7 is a class in WDC region and they are included in group for WGI

oh well, another slaughtering in ITA is in my future...

If I understand correctly, an ITA RX-7 is most certainly illegal if entered as a Spec7, correct?

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Originally posted by lateapex911:

oh well, another slaughtering in ITA is in my future... Know the feeling
If I understand correctly, an ITA RX-7 is most certainly illegal if entered as a Spec7, correct? Yes the spec 7's are closly controlled full interior spec suspension air pump full emmision. The the WDC Region the specs are posted. Sometimes the stewards have to yell at them
for bump drafting etc

Tom Weaver: Logistics & Technical Support Manager IE truck driver for 1980 RX-7 ITA #63
"Hemi Haulin' Rotary"
We are in desperate need of another track! I know I am preaching to the choir, but there are just too many race at NHIS. I am excited about the glen though. This should be a great race!
Originally posted by Jeremy Billiel:
We are in desperate need of another track! I know I am preaching to the choir, but there are just too many race at NHIS. I am excited about the glen though. This should be a great race!
Jeremy, Rausch Creek easy drive from New England All necessary permits are in Place and They have been holding ATV races etc. Design work ALL done. Just need $5 million to complete the Task. With all the permits, design work, and approvals in place sure beats stating from square one. Now being a bit short myself of the required 5 mil We need Bill Gates or the Donald to step up to the plate?????????

Tom Weaver: Logistics & Technical Support Manager IE truck driver for 1980 RX-7 ITA #63
"Hemi Haulin' Rotary"
Very interesting. The track layout looks nice. (I love hills)

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
Originally posted by Jeremy Billiel:
We are in desperate need of another track!..........B]

The tracks are out there. You just have to travel a little to get to them. Here's my tentative plan for '05. VIR, Summit, Mid Ohio, The Glen, NHIS, LRP and Road Atlanta. Haven't figured out in what order as yet. NHIS will be for the enduro weekend and LRP will be for the NARCOFFS(if the price is right