Update on legality of Isaac H&N with SCCA


No one is going to take your Isaac away from you.

Recent Fastracks on this subject have been off the mark. Topeka acknowledges that Section 20.4 of the GCR relates only to seat belts and shoulder harnesses. In fact, there is nothing in the GCR anywhere about head and neck restraints.

The last thing Topeka wants is for someone to be denied the use of any safety product and have them get injured as a result. The guy who graduated last in his class in law school would sue them into the next dimension.

There probably won't be any formal ruling. Fastracks never seem to contain corrections. We expect it to just fade away.

If you get any static at the track, please let us know. Someone didn't get the memo.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
I haven't seen anything official, nor have I heard any back-channel rumors.

I continue to assume that nobody is dumb enough to physically force me to go on-track with NOTHING rather than my Isaac, in light of the published data on its effectiveness. The liability exposure wold be HUGE given the fact that H&N restraints aren't required for Club Racing.

Originally posted by Knestis:
...I continue to assume that nobody is dumb enough to physically force me to go on-track with NOTHING rather than my Isaac...


You know things have gone off the deep end when the discussion turns to criminal battery.

Without getting too far into this, I should note that there are some folks out there who don't like us (none of them are customers
), and, unfortunately, some of these individuals are associated with the SCCA--maybe a total of two of them.

There is a remote possibility that an Isaac user may run into one particular psycho pseudo Einstein who has declared that he doesn't care what the GCR says, he thinks the the Isaac system violates not only the entire GCR but also the complete U.S. civil code, all 44,000 pages of the IRS code, and every UN resolution. If you are unfortunate enough to run into them, I suggest strangulation. And let us know. We will inform Topeka and send you a free hat.

I normally rely on my good looks to counter any lack of diplomatic skill:



Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Well, I haven't run into THOSE two, but I did take the opportunity for a short infomercial to our region. At our recent annual inspection day, "nobody" had even heard of the Isaac. I introduced it to the guy that inspected my car, then looked up the region's chief of tech and introduced it to him.

Both were very open to the "new" device, and the COT indicated he would do further investigation. Just remember, the tortoise won the race!

Of course this all happend not five feet from the manned HANS display/sales booth, of which a featured event was demo of the HANS. (must have happened before I arrived) So they know about something, but certainly not an "open information/investigation" type of environment.

Neither of them felt it was against the GCR, and did not have a problem (at this time, off the record, at least) with my use of it.

[email protected]
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[This message has been edited by jake7140 (edited April 11, 2005).]