Vacuum line removal in 84-87 carbed


New member
What do I need to keep as far as vac lines when I'm getting rid of all the vac lines on my 85 CRX DX?

I think there's only one or two I need to keep and the rest go in the can.

Would removing the vac lines to ITC levels be bad for my 85 Civic 1500S, as far as year round drivability?

Any info would be appreciated.
Hey, Jeff! How's it going? Remember me, Steve from Warren, 1987 CSP CRX DX?

Did you get first at Waterford in 2001? I didn't get to get out much this season, unfortunately.

Anyway, yeah, I got them all off and the car works very well. I doubt you're interested, but you can see the pix at

Another question for ya. Where is a good place around here to get tires mounted? I'm right at 14 and Mound, but I don't mind travelling for good service.