Video Contest


New member
It's time for the first annual Isaac video contest. We are looking for videos of real drivers using their Isaac systems in real race cars on real race tracks. We've seen enough lab crash videos to choke a horse, and those don't give drivers a sense of everyday use.

While we have a good idea of what we are looking for, we are open to suggestions. Also, we want your ideas on what the contest award(s) should be.

So far:

Three types of videos appeal to us:

1) Typical paddock scene of the driver getting into/out of their car while, of course, connecting/disconnecting their Isaac system. A display of range of head motion scores high.

2) On track and in motion.

3) Crash video, preferrably in-car.

MPEG is preferred, but others are acceptable.

What do you think? We could offer coupons toward a purchase or free product, but these drivers already have an Isaac system.

The winning video(s) will be published on our Web site, so we would require the usual fine print about rights to use, cannot return, blah, blah, blah.


Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Gregg, am I correct in my thinking that you want all videos to be of users wearing their Isaacs?

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Originally posted by lateapex911:
Gregg, am I correct in my thinking that you want all videos to be of users wearing their Isaacs?


Tim's video is pretty cool, but it doesn't show our product. Now, if someone wants to sponsor, say, the video contest his would be a contender.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. (It's interesting how many folks will send a direct e-mail but won't post an idea to a forum--uh, make that "fora," per Al.)

Most of you like the idea of different categories, so we are going to go with that.

When it comes to the award, here's what we are going to try: Real live money, not some Mickey Mouse T-shirt.

Here is how the $ shake out:

1) Paddock shot: $100

2) On track, in car: $250

3) Crash video: $500

We will select one winner for each category. Those videos that best show the Isaac system functioning in a race setting will be preferred. Feel free to submit the videos in any format/media; e-mail or ship it to us and we will do the rest. Make sure it's a copy, because we will not be able to return any physical media.

You don't have an Isaac video? Make one! There is nothing keeping you from grabbing your helmet and a camcorder and making a typical paddock shot of getting into and out of your car. Throw some head motion in there for extra credit. What the heck, it'll take maybe 20 minutes and could be worth $100. That should help make your holiday season a bit more merry!

Happy Holidays!

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
We may have a winner for the crash video. The driver said he will check to see if the Isaac system is visible in the video just as soon as he gets out of the hospital.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by racer_tim:
Gregg, that's not a good positive spin for the Isaac.

For example:

Severe head bleeding, apply tourniquet.

Au contrair (sp?)

The inside joke, if one can be so crass, is that our objective is a customer who wakes up in a hospital bed. At least they wake up. I spoke with him this afternoon while he was in his hospital bed.

We don't know the details yet, but this Isaac user slammed into a stopped car (spin followed by a stall) at 100+ mph. He never even had time to lift.

He was airlifted to the hospital with an L1 fracture (from the belt loads) but no head or neck injuries. I spoke to him this afternoon just before he was discharged. Suffice it to say that he is a very happy customer.

If we can retrieve the videos and DA downloads we will post them.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Ahhhh...the old L1 fracture! I hate those....

So...what's an L1 fracture?

(assuming L1 is a lower vertibre, first in the series, but...I have been told never to asssume......)

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Originally posted by lateapex911:
Ahhhh...the old L1 fracture! I hate those....

So...what's an L1 fracture?

(assuming L1 is a lower vertibre, first in the series, but...I have been told never to asssume......)

Correct, Jake. "L1" is the first lumbar vertebra.

The human spine is comprised of about 30 vertebrae: 7 cervical vertebrae (neck), 12 thoracic vertebrae (ribs), 5 lumbar vertebrae and 4 sacral vertebrae, the later of which fuse at maturity. Throw in the hyoid bone and the coccyx and you have the whole package. (The atlas is in there somewhere, but forgive me, it's late.)

Big hit, but everyone's okay.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Was this the SRF hit at Sebring?

Lance Snyder
Atlanta Region F&C

RIP Dimebag- August 20, 1966 to December 8th, 2004.
Whats the deadline there Baker?

Minor detail. I know.
But given that most of us don't start racing again for at least 2 more months, we need a little time.

Say... end of March?

Yes, it was the SRF incident.


Good point. The end of March sounds good. But drivers should send in their entries as soon as possible.

We can collect more during the remainder of the season and update the winner in, say, December.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
The driver, Chick Gregg who races with Mick Robinson's group out of Melbourne Florida, posted this to the SRF forum last night. I was not aware that he already had lower back problems.

"Hello and Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and concerns. I really appreciate all the help given to my wife and two stepsons after the accident. I got home from Florida Hospital South about 4:30 today and I'm wearing a back brace (and will be for at least 3 months according to the Neurosurgeon).

"To try and describe the accident; I was in a group of probably 8 cars going into turn 14 bumper-to-bumper, when the car in front of me suddenly swerved to the right and when he did Johnny was ahead less than 20'. I didn't even have time to hit the brakes. Mick Robinson said there was no flat spots on the tires. I have disk trouble in L4 & L5 and have had epideral's lately, along with some PT. After the crash, I had excrutiating pain in my lower back and tried to get out of the car, with the corner worker stoping me, as he should. I then passed out for what I was told was 3 or 4 minutes, being awakened by the EMT. I was pulled out of the car and flown to Tampa General where I had the full Trauma treatment and was told I had the L1 fracture and had two choices, either flat on my back for 6 to 8 weeks or surgery. Since I had already seen a neurosurgeon in Orlando and one of my partners was on the board of Florida Hospital, he arranged for me to be flown to Florida Hospital and saw the neuro there. After reading my CT's and X-rays and having more of both, he told me he was fitting me with a back brace and I would be released in a couple of days, which has happened. I feel very fortunate and thankful. I am experiencing some pain, but it beats the heck out of having surgery or being on my back for a couple of months.

"As far as equipment goes, I had a Bieffe F-1 helmet with the Isaac device with bolt-on clips and a Butler seat. I feel like everything did an excellent job as I have no head or neck pain, only lower back pain.

"Greg Baker is correct about the fracture, it is more like a shear fracture, starting out as shallow at the spinal chord and getting thicker going towards the rear.

"Johnny, I'm glad to hear you are OK and sorry it couldn't be avoided.

"Thanks again for everyone's calls and concerns.

"My wife and I both very much appreciate it.

Originally posted by Catch22:
Whats the deadline there Baker?

Minor detail. I know.
But given that most of us don't start racing again for at least 2 more months, we need a little time.

Say... end of March?
Planning a big crash soon?

Marty Doane
ITS RX-7 #13
CenDiv WMR
Originally posted by tderonne:
Any update on the SRF guy? No news is good news? Did he have video?



You really know how to hurt a guy: He did not have the video camera running.

The driver is doing fine. The docs in Tampa wanted to operate on his lower spine, but his business partner is on the board of an Orlando hospital so he (the driver) took another flight and the Orlando docs put him in a back brace for 8 weeks.

He had his data recorder reviewed by the manufacturer, and learned that he pegged the G meters (duh).

It's an interesting crash story, but there is not much documentation.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC