I like it. The first turn is over a brow and has a blind exit, so that's cool. The second /third turns require some finesse, it gets a bit autocrossy, but it's fast if you find the line. The right hander in the back goes over a sharp rise, with another blind apex /track out, so that's cool too.
A looong right follows that's about .8G for the entire thing, obviously flat, then it's a classic 90 degree left after pretty hard braking.
Finally, the loooong banked corner is the "signature" corner, and that takes some getting used to. I'd love to know I got it right, but i sure don't know that! I saw lots of lines through there. And you can pass into and thru it. I saw cornering Gs in the 1.3- 1.4 range, with spikes a tad higher.
You come out fast, so the straight is quick too, and long. I saw 115 or so there, which is getting near the limit of the little rats pedaling speed!
Then it's back to turn 1, after an uphill braking section.
All in all, it's not the Glen, but it's waaaaayyyy better than NHIS and Pocono. Lime Rock somehow defies comparision, LOL.