

Gregg will explain more, but I can say that it did not come off. It did move, however.


Gregg may explain more. The test was performed 5/3/05.

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com

We hit this yesterday (3 May 2005). It was test number 148 at the Wayne State lab using the classic protocol of 30 degrees offset from frontal.

Originally posted by Dave Burchfield:
...Do you know how many Newtons?

Oh, do we ever.
And this is for a new product that has been seen by only six people.

(Now would be a good time for some of Geo's smilies--the really good ones.)


The helmet moves relative to the head, regardless of the scenario. The trick is keeping the critical parts inside the shell.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
I was there too - was pretty groovy! Glad I got to see it - thanks again for the opportunity, Gregg! Wish we all had the chance to see such a thing in person...

Vaughan Scott
Detroit Region #280052
'79 924 #77 ITB/GTS1
BTW, the video works better on higher end computers with decent video cards. My 733 MHz machine with the built in video card doesn't quite display all the frames on impact...

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
I had problems with that at home too, though not at work - but using a different video program to play it worked much better!

Vaughan Scott
Detroit Region #280052
'79 924 #77 ITB/GTS1
Bill - trird to e-mail you but virus your end threw it back. Had heart attack and didn't see SFI films till later. After talking to Dave and reviewing photos - unit was put together incorrectly and was guarrented to fail. Am saving more pennies to retest same unit with wife present. Buckle was turned 180 degrees which twisted webbing and it did not clamp in buckle.
Originally posted by JIgou:
Do I hear "take your SFI test and stick it" in the background?


Why Jarrod, we would never be so crude as to suggest anything of the kind--with test #148.

Test #149, however, is an entirely different matter...





and finally,


A video of Test #149 can be found here (please right click, save as):

The camera is positioned at the upper-right corner of this image, atop a concrete block 4-5 feet thick that backs up the hydraulic ram. You can see it shake in the video:


BTW All, Bill's super-duper adhesive is used on the helmet mounts. This stuff is amazing; there was no sign it was loaded.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by 924Guy:
I was there too - was pretty groovy! Glad I got to see it - thanks again for the opportunity, Gregg! Wish we all had the chance to see such a thing in person...


Glad you could make it. I enjoyed meeting another member of the Isaac Crash Club!

Perhaps we could have a crash party at the lab. Have a bunch of guys show up and just smack the snot out of stuff.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC

There is no chance we will drop the original Isaac system, or any of its variations such as the childrens' models. It has proven to be very successful both in the lab and on the track. If anything, we will be enhancing that product.

The new product is a similar-but-different approach designed to address that segment of the market the original Isaac cannot serve, namely the low budget racer who can afford a good head and neck restraint, but doesn't feel he needs a great one.

This product is not as good as an Isaac or a HANS, but it is impressive. In fact, it is the third best product ever tested.

There are two issues we would like input on from the racing community, so I might start a little thread for some ideas.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC