VIR Videos


New member
I'm looking to go to VIR this year for MARRS 2 & 3. I have yet to go. I would like to see a video of the Full Course not Grand Course in some front wheel drive car.

Got plenty from the '04 13 Hour. Email (or PM) me and I'll burn a copy fo the DVD and mail it to you. - GA
Pick up the phone Rob. I seem to remember being there a few times (with a camera). I might even have them on my external drive for a quick, painless, transfer. ;)
Originally posted by Gregg@Jan 15 2006, 09:22 PM
Pick up the phone Rob. I seem to remember being there a few times (with a camera). I might even have them on my external drive for a quick, painless, transfer.  ;)

Don't worry Gregg, I hadn't forgotten you. I was trying to get it from multiple car perspectives. You know me, I could spend all day watching racing from the drivers perspective ;)