I'm looking at putting a Quaife in an 020 5 speed. Looking at the Bentley manual, it doesn't look too bad but it's hard to tell. Looks like the only measuring job is to remove a shim and measure diff end float then reshim, and doesn't look like that really requires anything more than a dial indicator.
I'm a mechanical engineer, comfortable building engines and have done a few rwd manual transmission overhauls, I'm comfortable using a mike and a dial indicator. OTOH, I don't have any special tools or jigs for this job. Is this a reasonable "do this at home" project?
Any "always replace" items other than seals and gaskets? Tranny was overhauled ~20 racing hours ago and runs/shifts fine, just no lsd.
I'm a mechanical engineer, comfortable building engines and have done a few rwd manual transmission overhauls, I'm comfortable using a mike and a dial indicator. OTOH, I don't have any special tools or jigs for this job. Is this a reasonable "do this at home" project?
Any "always replace" items other than seals and gaskets? Tranny was overhauled ~20 racing hours ago and runs/shifts fine, just no lsd.