VW 020 Diff (Quaife) Install

Al Seim

New member
I'm looking at putting a Quaife in an 020 5 speed. Looking at the Bentley manual, it doesn't look too bad but it's hard to tell. Looks like the only measuring job is to remove a shim and measure diff end float then reshim, and doesn't look like that really requires anything more than a dial indicator.

I'm a mechanical engineer, comfortable building engines and have done a few rwd manual transmission overhauls, I'm comfortable using a mike and a dial indicator. OTOH, I don't have any special tools or jigs for this job. Is this a reasonable "do this at home" project?

Any "always replace" items other than seals and gaskets? Tranny was overhauled ~20 racing hours ago and runs/shifts fine, just no lsd.
I'm no expert, but the install is very straight-forward if you already know how to tear down the gearbox. If not, consider at least the following issues:

1) 5th gear *can* be a nightmare, especially if it's been overheated a few times.

2) pulling the pinion may require a special tool, threading modification, or bearing replacement.

3) splitting the case requires special tools or **careful** use of heat.

4) don't forget the diff bolt kit (unless it's already been installed). we found that the auto trans bolts from the dealer were the right thread but too long, which conflicted with prior reports.

5) maybe best to watch someone else do it the first time 'round.

Good luck
Since we are on the subject and I have plenty of time before racing again, does anybody know of a good reference that shows how to rebuild a VW tranny?

Parked till '06 :(
For the price that BSI charges to do a rebuild it's barely worth doing it yourself. Stu's turn around time is great. Last I remembered he charges like $550 or something plus shipping. I thought it was a great deal.
I have built a lot of 020 trans and installed Quaffe and Peloquin diffs. The process is not hard but there are some special tools needed for the job. The Bently manual is the best reference for this job and most of the parts are still available to this trans. Larger VW dealers should stock all the diff shims. You will need a 12 point 12mm socket to remove the bolt securing 5th gear to the main shaft, a 12 point 6mm socket to remove the main shaft roller bearing retainer plate, a press with some tools to remove the roller bearing from the main shaft once you have the trans apart. Some press tools will be handy along with snap ring pliers to remove the 1st/2nd gear slifer form the main shaft. It is not hard, the 020 is the simplest FWD transmissions out there. I charge $300 plus parts to install a diff and freshin up (bearings, syncros and gaskets) a transmission. The cost of having someone install it in your aera may be less than doing it your self unless you plan on doing more than one of them.
P.S. I have run both the Quaffe and hte Peloquin and for the money I think the Peloquin is a better race diff than the Quaffe. It has a steeper cut to the planetary gears and offers more "lock up" than the Quaffe (IMO)

I also agree with Joe, BSI has a GREAT deal on the diff install. Consider Stu before you tear into it.
where can you get a Peloquin and what is the cost...

I looked it up on the internet but was unable to find very much information.

It would not be cost effective for me to send a tranny to Stu for the rebuild since I live in England at the moment. One other reason I ask is because I was thinking of getting a VW Racing diff but from what I understand is that they need adjusting and the clutches need changing out periodically. That would add up to quite a bit of money if I have to send it to Stu every time.
So, anybody have any leads to books that show tranny rebuilds?

Parked till '06 :(

In the US the Robert Bentley manuals are at least quasi-official VW manuals and are pretty good. Like many "new car" manuals the orientation is a bit more "here's how to take it apart and put it back together" and not so much "here's what's likely to go wrong and what to do about it". But still a good manual and better than any non-official one I've seen.

See http://www.bentleypublishers.com/product.h...VRG4&subject=20
I have the Bentley manual for my Golf and all it shows is how to change out the seals and the clutch. It doesn't go into the breakdown of the tranny.
Edit: Since my manual only covers 85-89, did later manuals cover the rebuilds?

Parked till '06

[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited April 22, 2004).]
Originally posted by Ralf:

Edit: Since my manual only covers 85-89, did later manuals cover the rebuilds?

I have the Bentley manuals for an 85-87 Golf and an 85-92 Golf (US versions). The 85-92 shows a LOT more detail than the 85-87, but I've never seen an 85-89 edition.
Mine is a US version too. (I'm an American stationed in England.)
Looks like I need to get the newest version.

Parked till '06 :(

I'll echo what Joe said, send it to Stu. The guy builds probably half a dozen 020 boxes a month, and could probably do it blind-folded. For what he charges, and what you get, it almost doesn't make sense to do it yourself. You get all new synchros, seals, springs, detents, etc. Not to mention that the thing will come back so clean that you could eat off it.


Try Peter at TheScirocco.com for Peloquins. He's a great guy and has a good deal on them.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
The Peloquin sounds intriguing!

My application is road racing (SCCA IT or Production) not street. Car is a MK1 Scirocco.

Do many people have racing experience with one? Are all reports good? Does it actually have a higher biasing ratio than a Quaife?


Originally posted by Ralf:
Since we are on the subject and I have plenty of time before racing again, does anybody know of a good reference that shows how to rebuild a VW tranny?

A home-made video floated around awhile back on vwvortex.com, showing "Cheapass Ron" tearing down an 020 in a driveway at a Scirocco club meeting. I was able to get VWsport.com to host it back then for free (it's about 300MB) and I just checked, it's still there...



83 Rabbit GTI - future ITB
Okay, don't pay any attention to the XviD instruction, it's the DivX player that plays this video.

[This message has been edited by Eric Parham (edited May 05, 2004).]