Guys - what's up with only 8 ITS cars registered for the Glen? This is a 2 day event with a lot of track time, plus a test/tune day Friday. The Glen is an awesome track - 3.5 miles of elevation change and challenging driving! The SCCA is losing race weekeknds to sports car clubs like PCA, POC, etc. because attendence is so low. For those of you who haven't driven the Glen - do yourself a favor - sign up and make the tow out there!!! Think out of the box! Expand your horizons away from Limerock and NHIS. We run thge risk of losing the opportunity of driving the beautiful track altogether...Get on the stick MAN!
Benspeed - I hope you'll be there! Rumor has it the other 2/3 of Autotechnic is on the bout you Betten-coo-aaht?? Bring that lil Miata up there. And Nick L -c'mon - I know a lot of milk fed gals up that way..HA HAH HAHHAA.......
Benspeed - I hope you'll be there! Rumor has it the other 2/3 of Autotechnic is on the bout you Betten-coo-aaht?? Bring that lil Miata up there. And Nick L -c'mon - I know a lot of milk fed gals up that way..HA HAH HAHHAA.......