WC spec chase cam

Bob Roth

New member
WC spec chase cam. For 2011 we now have to run races keepers, so i would love to get some money out of the chase cam. I paid $1260 2 years ago but would take $550 shipped. Here are some specs:
Developed for the SPEED World Challenge series, Supercaps capacitors and G-Force Module to automatically record an entire weekend of racing, without pushing a button! Here's how it works:
1) The PDR100 will power on as soon as it receives power.
2) The G-Force Module will trigger the PDR100 to begin recording once it senses vehicle motion. You set the sensitivity.
3) The G-Force Module will trigger the PDR100 to stop recording after it senses no motion for a period of time (user set).
4) The Supercaps will power down the PDR100 approx 5 seconds after wired power is terminated.
Kit Includes:
-PDR100 Solid State Video Recorder with Supercaps
-PDR100 mount
-BulletCam System, 520+ lines
-Camera Mount ( Roll Bar, Clamp, )
-Standard Cradle camera mount
-5' Mini DIN camera extension cable
-MiniAV adapter cable



Thank you
Branden Peterson
http://www.brandenpeterson.com CIVIC SI #64
[email protected] 970 485 1849

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