WDCR ITA / ITS Pre-Season Warmup -- March 12th


New member
As a kickoff to the 2005 MARRS season, we're having a little get-together for all ITA & ITS drivers. There'll be bench racing and we ask that you bring some of your best in-car video. It's a pot luck so bring some food and BYOB. We'll supply to carbonated stuff.

The party is being held at ITA Champ Kirk Dohne's home in beuutiful Ijamsville, MD. Significant others, crew and kids are welcome and encouraged to attend. The party is open to new for '05 drivers as well as those attending the WDCR Spring Drivers school the following weekend.

Please R.S.V.P. to gregg (at) ginsberg (dot) org

Let's make this the best MARRS season ever!

Gregg Ginsberg
'89 CRX Si -- MARRS ITA #72
WDCR-SCCA Rookie of the Year 2003

[This message has been edited by Gregg (edited February 17, 2005).]
Run in a different run group. :P Besides, if we let you in we'd have to let Parker in too. It's bad enough Yip knows about this.

If you wanna hang out I'm sure we can arrange to sneak you in.

[This message has been edited by Gregg (edited February 17, 2005).]
Now why would you think that I would want to go?
Make sure that you get Sam and the Condons there and let them settle all their issues before they get to the track. I am sure that Sean Christie's lady Mo can be counted on to referee the fracas(my bet is on Mo to win by a knockout).
"Let's make this the best MARRS season ever!"
Now you are making me want to vomit.

Next thing you are going to suggest that the ITS/ITA guys have the worker lunch catered by dorks in black tie and tails. Could you please pass the Grey Poupon?(With my best Boston Brahmin accent)

So Gregg where are YOU gonna paddock and sleep for MARRS weekends in '05?

Here's lookin' up your asphalt driveway

dave parker
wdcr ITC#97
You race ITC. DC Region ITC racers come to race. We don't care about politics in the region. We don't care about the fact that our class is slowly(or not so slowly) fading away. We come to race our friends and people that will be our friends. We come to drink beer and gawk at the ladies. Hell, we even have ladies that race ITC with us.
Let the ITA/ITS guys have their tea party.

dave parker
wdcr ITC#97

Hey...I didn't think your boss let you surf here anymore. :P

Originally posted by dave parker:
Next thing you are going to suggest that the ITS/ITA guys have the worker lunch catered by dorks in black tie and tails. Could you please pass the Grey Poupon?(With my best Boston Brahmin accent)

I think Big Bore (er...AS....er Ddddddd...she) has got that covered. We're more the smoke in yer eyes cookout kinda folks.

Originally posted by dave parker:
So Gregg where are YOU gonna paddock and sleep for MARRS weekends in '05?

Ummm.....I'm sorry, Dave. Please forgive me.
Did I tell you that Big John just bought a new trailer?

[This message has been edited by Gregg (edited February 17, 2005).]
Originally posted by Gregg:
It's bad enough Yip knows about this.

With all this whining and cheesing, you'd think this as a certain snobbish VW-based Owners Club meeting or something. Just beware - I can still show up wearing a grass skirt and singing "Tiny Bubbles"...
Originally posted by dave parker:
We don't care about the fact that our class is slowly(or not so slowly) fading away.

ITC isn't so much fading away as it's changing it's face just like ITS, ITA and ITB although some ITC drivers would have the world believe that the world is coming to an end with the changes in ITC. IMHO ITC, like all the other classes must constantly change in order to keep the Club from stagnating. The concept of racing a 25+ yr old car in the same class (or class family such as Improved Touring) simply isn't reasonable given the numerous changes to cars in the same time-frame.

I fully expect that if I continue to race my car that I'll eventually "move" to ITB (as the Toyota FX16 will do in '05) and eventually to ITC and then (gasp!!) to Production. OTOH I don't know that I can stand driving my flying-pig for another 20+ years for that to happen.

Flame on happy people...
Originally posted by Gregg:
Hey...I didn't think your boss let you surf here anymore. :P

Ummm.....I'm sorry, Dave. Please forgive me.
Did I tell you that Big John just bought a new trailer?

[This message has been edited by Gregg (edited February 17, 2005).]

I think that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Gregg blowing smoke up his ass and thinking Thomas is going to give up his room in John's trailor. LOL

Awwweeeee.... you removed it
quote from dave,"Next thing you are going to suggest that the ITS/ITA guys have the worker lunch catered by dorks in black tie and tails. Could you please pass the Grey Poupon?(With my best Boston Brahmin accent)

oh crap, i guess us bmw drivers passing grey poupon back and forth at the front of the grid isn't going to go over very well...
"excuse me sir sam, i do believe monsieur ed is low on champagne, would you have a spare bottle of dp?"

then again, maybe nobody will notice us doing that at the back of the grid.

great idea for a party! way to go gregg and kirk!

see ya there!
Originally posted by mgyip:
ITC isn't so much fading away as it's changing it's face just like ITS, ITA and ITB although some ITC drivers would have the world believe that the world is coming to an end with the changes in ITC.

The Sky is falling. The sky is falling!!!!
I swear the its the truth, the sky is falling.

IMHO ITC, like all the other classes must constantly change in order to keep the Club from stagnating. The concept of racing a 25+ yr old car in the same class (or class family such as Improved Touring) simply isn't reasonable given the numerous changes to cars in the same time-frame.

Change? No one said anything about change. How can we continue to operate with our heads in the sand(or elsewhere) if we must endure change. Who is in charge of this change? We must petition them to stop all this foolish talk about change and continue to be the Silly Car Club of America. LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH

I fully expect that if I continue to race my car that I'll eventually "move" to ITB (as the Toyota FX16 will do in '05) and eventually to ITC and then (gasp!!) to Production. OTOH I don't know that I can stand driving my flying-pig for another 20+ years for that to happen.

Do you honestly believe that the nice people who race in production would want to race with you? I think that they like myself have watched you race.

Flame on happy people...

I have to learn how to use this quote thing.

dave parker
wdcr ITC#97

[This message has been edited by dave parker (edited February 18, 2005).]
Originally posted by dave parker:
Next thing you are going to suggest that the ITS/ITA guys have the worker lunch catered by dorks in black tie and tails.

No - that was an idea considered by Spec Miata. I believe that the workers are more interested in WHO puts on the lunch than HOW it is presented but what do I know with my 6+ years of food service experience.
Originally posted by dave parker:
Change? No one said anything about change. How can we continue to operate with our heads in the sand(or elsewhere) if we must endure change. Who is in charge of this change? We must petition them to stop all this foolish talk about change and continue to be the Silly Car Club of America. LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH

That certainly is the underlying problem - Change. No one likes it and very few actually want it but it appears that SCCA has finally come to their senses and are starting to realign classes and move cars about to keep one specific make/model from dominating.

It's been s most amusing to read about the classification of the New Beetle into ITC. Who knew that classifying an overweight and unproven car could cause such an uproar? From all the drivel on IT.com I thought the sky WAS falling. However I haven't seen anyone rush out to build a New Beetle yet - I guess they're too busy building Spec Miatas instead

Originally posted by dave parker:
Do you honestly believe that the nice people who race in production would want to race with you? I think that they like myself have watched you race.

I'm truly hurt - I don't hit people, they drive into me...
I'm one of dem dare new driver's. I have a few things to get together before the school, so not sure if I will be able to make it. Knowing me that will be the busiest weekend.

Thanks for the invite.

I'm truly hurt - I don't hit people, they drive into me..
Yeah right, with all that padding there is no way you could ever get hurt.

And how exactly did the guy in the RX7 drive into you with the REAR of his car while you were both moving forward?

What say you?

dave parker
wdcr ITC#97
Originally posted by dave parker:
And how exactly did the guy in the RX7 drive into you with the REAR of his car while you were both moving forward?

Which RX7?
The car obviously over-braked, FORCING me to hit him. Or was that Jerry who couldn't pedal fast enough so I assisted him to pass an ITS car at the start...