Ok.. So I'm just throwing this out there...for -cough-cough- no particular reason. Let me get a show of hands...

How many people are unhappy with any aspect of how the Washington, D.C. Region is being run? How many of you are willing to do something about it?

I've been talking to a lot of members lately, and have gotten some VERY interesting feedback. I'd like some more feedback. Reply via PM, as I don't want to publicly start any ruckus (yet.) All comments/thoughts/ideas will be treated as confidential and not shared with anyone.

Note: I've edited this from the original post due to the wide range of issues brought up by members regarding the Region. Instead of listing them all, I've chosen to leave it open-ended.

-T :cavallo:
Originally posted by jordanmotorsports@Sep 11 2005, 03:32 AM
........ Reply via PM, as I don't want to publicly start any ruckus (yet.) .........-T :cavallo:

[Devils advocate mode: ON]

Seems to me that it's now too late with this rather public posting....
[Devils advocate mode OFF]

Originally posted by lateapex911@Sep 12 2005, 06:16 PM
[Devils advocate mode: ON]

Seems to me that it's now too late with this rather public posting....
[Devils advocate mode OFF]


Why do you say that? There has to be some starting place to get thing going.

Yes, one if his commets is somewhat "edgy", but a publicy hashing out and complaining about the above mentioned subjects could turn this post into a b!tch fest with no positive end result.

If he is willing to assemble the complaints and bring them to the proper people, I approve.
Originally posted by lateapex911@Sep 12 2005, 06:16 PM
[Devils advocate mode: ON]

Seems to me that it's now too late with this rather public posting....
[Devils advocate mode OFF]


To everyone who may be curious about my original post, including but not limited to Mr. Gulick:

The 'rather public posting' in and of itself should not cause a public ruckus. See the "Reply via PM" qualifier (PM stands for Private Message, in case there was any confusion.) My intention is to initially cause a private ruckus.

Also make note of the subject. This post pertains to Washington, D.C. Region members. While I appreciate and want to hear every opinion (as it relates to the subject matter,) I don't necessarily need criticism from members of other regions (unless you are planning on relocating to a permanent residence within the Washington, D.C. Region with the intent of racing with the SCCA.)
Another comment from another Region... :D

As a NER BoD member (and ITAC and SMAC...), I think circling the wagons is a good thing. Use your 'power' to put the right people on the WDCR BoD. If you don't like who or what is happening, vote in the people who will represent you in a positive and professional manner.

Your Comp Board should be named by your BoD and your BoD is named by YOU. Band together and get your input to T. and make it happen.

Strong Regions have members that aren't afraid to speak up AND volunteer. :023:

I have been at the last five WDCR 12-hour races at SP.
Seems to me they were big events and well run.
Don't know what else may be going on in that group, but I would like to give them a big cheer for their contribution to Enduro racing.
Bill Miskoe Iron Dragon Racing.
Pittsfield :D NH
Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Sep 12 2005, 08:34 PM
As a NER BoD member (and ITAC and SMAC...), I think circling the wagons is a good thing.  Use your 'power' to put the right people on the WDCR BoD.  If you don't like who or what is happening, vote in the people who will represent you in a positive and professional manner.

To piggyback on that, a view from my seat as RE or yet another region-

Make sure to keep the positive in the fore-front. I think editing the original post was a good idea, not only for your sentiment, but also because you might need the support of some of those of whom you speak. DC is a huge region with many resources, many interests, and many points of view. I have had a few lengthy conversations with several DC Region RE's (all of whom have my pity), and the BoD there is a tumultuous (sp?) place. Make sure that whomever is chosen to represent your interests has the stomach for a political career :023:

Politics makes strange bedfellows, so remember that the person you insult today could be the one that might have helped you tomorrow...

Man, I am glad my Region is small...
Originally posted by jordanmotorsports@Sep 12 2005, 03:45 PM
This post pertains to Washington, D.C. Region members. While I appreciate and want to hear every opinion (as it relates to the subject matter,) I don't necessarily need criticism from members of other regions (unless you are planning on relocating to a permanent residence within the Washington, D.C. Region with the intent of racing with the SCCA.)
What about people who don't live in the region but race primarily at Summit Point?
I think that Thomas is looking for people who have WDCR as their region of record.
"dangerous" dave parker
wdcr ITC#97
Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Sep 12 2005, 08:34 PM
Another comment from another Region... :D

Your Comp Board should be named by your BoD and your BoD is named by YOU.  Band together and get your input to T. and make it happen.

Strong Regions have members that aren't afraid to speak up AND volunteer.  :023:


dc region comp board is made up of a rep from each of the worker specialties and a drivers rep from each of the classes. reps are voted in from within their groups.

wdcr comp board member
ITS drivers rep.
OK, Jordan:
There is an election coming up.
Who do you suggest we vote for?
I don't want to vote for anyone with a personal agenda, but I'm not sure that is possible.
Seriously, who do we not vote in?
I think that the election is part of the thing that is sticking in Thomas's craw. As i understand it Thomas submitted all of his information and required signatures to be on the ballot and was not placed on the ballot. It is also my understanding that this was all completed in a timely manner (he submitted the paperwork on time).
The answer from the "powers that be" when he asked why he was not on the ballot was " sorry, please try again next year".

Kinda makes you wonder whats going on doesn't it?

"dangerous" dave parker
wdcr ITC#97