WDCR Spring Drivers School - Summit Point


New member
Well registration opened a little early. And yes I am stoked since its my second school and I been looking at my car in the garage every night for the past two months as I slowly prep it for annual tech and the comming 06 season.

Myself and my paddock mate are registered and eagerly awaiting to go. I spy what might by Jlawtons old ITB rabbit registered (color & number match), so I guess its sold or rented.

So is anyone else going to be there?
My brother's x-mas/b-day gift from me is drivers school. So my brother and I will be there in ITC.

I wish I could go back to school. That would be fun now :P I'll jsut have ot find some racer buddies up there and :birra:
I remember you mentioning that to me last month at the awards cerimony. I hope we get another good student/instructor ratio. I know that the fall school was unusually small from what was mentioned at the chili cookoff.
So is anyone else going to be there?

I'll be there, but not as a driver. I did both of my schools at Roebling last week, so now I get to be one of the boys in white standing on the side of the track pointing and laughing :lol:

Good luck, have fun - it should be a blast.
Well when im not on track im either pointing and laughing at Yip out in mid pack or in white yelling at someone on pit road.
I'll be there crewing for the lastest addition to our ITS team. Greg Kasprzyk will be driving his E30 ITS car after 2 seasons of Solo 1. :023:
I'll be there crewing for the lastest addition to our ITS team. Greg Kasprzyk will be driving his E30 ITS car after 2 seasons of Solo 1. :023:

excellent! i'll be there as the wdcr its driver's rep and possibly instructing. will find ya.

congrats to all the new drivers who successfully completed the spring school!!! the weather held up nicely and we saw some good driving! over 70 students were registered.

looking forward to the 7 new its drivers joining the grid...

greg g had a beautiful march up the grid in the two practice starts.

I did finish and was very happy when I saw the result sheet from the 5 lap race that I was able to shave a ton of time off my laps from my previous school. The officials did a tremendos job and though a little chilly I was happy to have the dry weather out there. See some of you M1 in ITB!!!