I hate it that these popular, affordable cars are slowly being pushed to the back of the pack. Particularly since I own one! So, I got in contact with a few members of the ITAC about this very thing a couple weeks ago. I told them that I had "heard" that there was some mysterious dyno data from years back that lead to the classification of the 1.8L Golf/Jetta in a manner that folks had not been able to duplicate in the real world. I want to say that the ITAC members did respond, they were helpful, and that they are willing to take a look at this. However, they said that there are some very smart folks on the comp board that think the 1.8L can make the 30%. So, they suggested that any letter would need to provide evidence that the 1.8L CANNOT make the 30%. So, they seem to come at if from the opposite direction of this:
'"If you're going to write a letter, I think the better letter would be "Please provide supporting evidence that justifies classing these cars with a non-standard process factor."'
The burden was clearly placed on us to prove that whatever they think can be done to make 30% actually can't be done. Frankly, I think this is going to take an organized effort with the involvement of some smart VW folks to get the car properly re-processed. I'm certainly willing to help, but I don't understand the engineering/physics enough to match wits with the aforementioned comp board member(s) that we need to convince.