Welcome to Ms. TEAMDI PROIT Erin DeHaven

Robert Zecca

New member
Say Hello to Ms. TEAMDI PROIT Erin DeHaven


Gentlemen (and I do mean Gentlemen),

I would like to introduce you to Ms. Erin DeHaven who so graciously agreed to be our new Ms. TEAMDI PROIT representative for the balance of this year. She is 22, a resident of Millville and is looking forward to meeting everyone, taking photos and greeting you on the podium.

Presently Erin is going to school part-time for radiology but she is looking forward to working with us by helping to promote the series. You will meet her at our next event at Thunderbolt.

I EXPECT EVERYONE TO BE ON THEIR BEST BEHAVIOUR. Ok Tim and Ben!!! and please make Erin welcome to our family.

Thank you Erin and we know you will enjoy your time representing our series.

Robert Zecca
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Calm down!!! I know you will really like Erin and I want for us to put on a show at ARCA and show the other series who is boss. Our series will grow for the future and sooner or later we will need to have a female presence to create attention, personality and go after the exposure that we need. We are getting there. You have seen the growth and all I can say is just wait. Either way I would appreciate it if everyone says hello to Erin, make her feel welcome and smile for the camera!

Good job Bob! Love the constant attention you give the series. Can't fathom how you missed Crazy Joe in your list of suspects though....:shrug:
Not worried about Crazy Joe. Rumour has it that he swings the other direction! Ever see him on the track....he is always up some guys tailpipe.