What constitutes "Remote Resevoir"


New member
I am building an ITA Miata and have a bunch of Penskes kickin around. They are the type that has a resevoir bolted to the body. Come on rules nerds. I need a little help here. Thanks
Chris Howard
2009 GCR, Appendix B Technical Glossary, p GCR 119:

"Remote Reservoir Shock Absorber - Any shock absorber or dampening device which uses an externally mounted (connected either by hose or “piggy back” design) fluid and/or gas reservoir."
Good try, though. ;)
Thanks for the reply Greg. I also have a bunch of D/A Koni's kickin around. I'll just use them instead. Other than cage rules I really do not follow IT stuff.
Yeah, I was a big opponent to RR shocks "back in the day" because in context they were too "out there" for IT. Today, not so much. Further, nothing keeps you from building the same thing co-axially (and it's already being done) so I'm now more of the mindset to let it go.

But, unfortunately, for now they're illegal. - GA
Yeah, I was a big opponent to RR shocks "back in the day" because in context they were too "out there" for IT. Today, not so much. Further, nothing keeps you from building the same thing co-axially (and it's already being done) so I'm now more of the mindset to let it go.

But, unfortunately, for now they're illegal. - GA

Agreed, and RR dampers have their drawbacks as well. And their strengths. Good ones could actually make life a lot easier on certain cars.