Everything for that car lol!!!
We cary in our trailer now just about a spare of everything for those cars. Fell free to ask anytime for something, but be warned we wont be at a lot of local races this year, it might be possible for us to work something out though... Send me a PM if you want crew and a nice ride, and we will work on my bro
I would like to be stewarding and will be at most races anyhow.
At a minimum, you should have...
spare CV Joints/Axles, Hub assebly if possible, Ball Joints, tie rods basically anything to do with the front suspension.
Motor Mounts/tranny mounts
Shift Linkage, especially the bar that ataches the linkage to the tranny. (it wears MUCH faster than on a street car)
If your brakes are worn, be sure to have some ready to go
If you are me or my brother a spare spoiler
Alternator belt!!! That is the just about the lowest thing on your car, and it is the furthest thing toward the front with exception to the spoiler... Basically it isn't protected, and when reving to 6,500 RPM, you tend to wear them a bit fast
If possible... CIS complete unit (for when your ar is acting funky, it is a magic fix just swaping it all out), alternator, fuel pump, distributor, o2 sensor, etc. Basically anything that normaly fails on a street car version over time.
Is the exhaust solid?
now for a dreamer, and a worker, a spare motor and tranny on long trips.
We have a TON of other stuff, but that is the basics... When I think of more I will let you know.