Ben...You DO need to contact them. Dicks a creative guy...I am sure we can find a way to have them lapping their Ferraris with us as instructors when ever they please!
Money will be a BIG issue.
It WILL cost each member of the region something..and it WILL be a risk.
Still nothing great is ever acheived without some risk....
That said....
I am not a fan of pooping in the woods...we need some basic facilities ....if only for our wives and girlfirends.
(What KILLS me about LRP is the showers...they can't find $300 bucks to make those things perfectly acceptable?? C'mon...!)
The thing I LOVE about Lime Rock is the natural circuit nature of the place. It has character. And it it the best place to watch a race...but they could do even better with a little earthmoving...
Yes, a long straight, but serious braking is important at the end...maybe downhill and off T1 at the Glen...and a DIFFICULT entry onto it will ensure that talent wins races, not just big torque and high HP.
So, the bsics: amplitheater layout, natural characteristics, and a challenging layout of 2 miles is a good start. Financially, splitting into two circuits it is smart for rental flexibility, if the region sees that in the business plan. Along with the required control and timing tower, and basic facilities.
Then...after a year or two, paddock improvements, and if it's making money, other items like a lodge (how cool!) could be added.
As a club, we have members from all walks of life. Each one needs to pitch in his or her talents where they might apply. How great would it be if we had a paving contractor as a member?
oh more thing...NO gravel traps 1 foot from the edge of the track! Those things do more harm than good in a lot of cases and screw the schedule royally.
It should be : Track, grass, more grass, or, in areas where space is not available, track, grass, then pavement, and finally bundled and strapped tires. Pavement does a pretty good job of slowing spinning cars, without them skipping over the top, then catching and rolling into the wall as so often happens with gravel.
Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited November 18, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited November 18, 2004).]