What flags REALLY mean


New member
Thought that this would be an entertaining discussion on the true (comic) meaning of flags. One I've read somewhere before was "Single yellow: Some jerk has spun/crashed/stalled ahead, but was kind enough to get off of the track".
Now, for your input..................
Blue with yellow diagonal: There's a race going on, and you're not part of it... move over.

Black with orange ball: We're trying to save you some money... report to the pits.
Said entirely in jest and taken from the notes that I use when giving the classroom lecture at DE events.
Yellow (standing) There will be something interesting to look at around the next corner,slowing down is optional.

Yellow (waving) There will be something interesting to look at around the next corner and you CAN get close to it, make sure that you get a good target fixation going.

Meatball Your car is a piece of shit, (probably British) and the finest quality parts ARE falling off.

Blue The wanker in the Corvette is finally on one of the straights and will be passing you so that he can park in the next corner throwing away all your momentum.

Red Said with Jim Ignatowski's (from Taxi) voice "Alex, why are all these cars stopped on the race track."

Debris Chez Summit (the concession stand at Summit Point) WILL be serving "meat surprise" at lunch today.

Checker You won the race.

As you can see I try to keep it light and fresh.:blink:
Dave Parker
Ginsberg and I were at the Richmond go-kart track. He was on my bumper for10-12 laps. We were having a good race. They continued to give me the blue flag. Then they gave us BOTH black flags. When I stopped they said "We kept giving you the blue flag, you HAVE to move out of the way when we give you the blue flag". I then began to give them a few choice words and haven't been back since. :smilie_pokal:
Five Minute Warning:
I have a wonderful, pretty whistle,, and you have that crappy old race car.

One Minute Warning:
See Above
Full Course Yellow - go so slow that you will never catch up to the pace car forcing the field to make yet one more lap.

Or, FCY - turn off right foot
White Flag: emergency vehicle on course, prepare to slam on your brakes to 40mph, bunch everyone else up behind you and follow the damn safety vehicle to the incident (as I have seen many drivers do)

Meatball Flag: pull to the pit lane before your engine blows (as I have seen corner working at beaverun...a guy in a mustang keeps driving with the engine rapping loudly. Never came in...finally had to black flag him!!!)

number (1) board: one more chance to gain a position, or loose one...
White flag in the MARRS ITA run group = You are about to pass the #87 again
(This flag will apply to the ITB run group next season)
Five Minute Warning:
I have a wonderful, pretty whistle,, and you have that crappy old race car.

One Minute Warning:
See Above

There's some regional variation in the interpretation of these signals. In some places, "5 Minute Warning" seems to mean "we're trying to gain time lost dragging in the boneheads from the last session by making those of you dumb enough to wait for the 5 finish plugging yourself in on the pace lap."

I've had the One-Minute whistle mean different things, too - sometimes at the same track in the same region. Once it was "Bug in your eye!" Another time it was "Tinkler Desperately Pinched under Harness - Extreme Pain!" Those we're both GREAT out laps, I can tell you.

I thought the one minute whistle was the signal for your radiator hose to blow off in a massive cloud of steam?