What happened to June?


New member
Is it me or have the cancelled limerock races left us with absolutley nothing to do this month?

Im about to signup the ITS car for an autox this weekend :shrug:
come on down and play at the marrs its race at summit last weekend in june. not that far from nj....
Which, of course, means that the local Powers That Be scheduled six races in 8 weekends over June and July. With a flagging economy.

Have we learned NOTHING over the last couple of years...?

Yes comrade the PTB in five Regions, at 5 different tracks all within 7 states scheduled 6 races all within 400 miles of each other. Where is the central planning bureau?
I have to take June off after spending over $2500 last month on racing. Where'd it go? :blink:

Racing and track schedules are rarely the product of what you want as much as "this is what you get, take it or some other sanctioning body will."
Yes comrade the PTB in five Regions, at 5 different tracks all within 7 states scheduled 6 races all within 400 miles of each other. Where is the central planning bureau?

They will eventually learn once a region goes belly up or looses soo much money that they can no longer host an event. I really think that the supply needs to be cut back in New England. Having LRP go off line for June was the best thing that could have happened.
Ewwwwwww, I LOVE sarcasm!!! :D

Well not to pick on Greg, well that is fun too, but it kills me when I here statements like that. I am a rabid capitalist and having regions compete for entries makes for a better product. Look at the great formats some of the regions are coming up with to give us the best racing they can. I can remember when no one had heard of a double. Without this kind of competition and innovation all our races would be like a single national is now.
By the way Loudon to Millville is over 400 mile and the Glen is over 300 from either. At NHMS on Memorial Day there was something like 220 cars and over 90 percent were from New England, a few from upstate NY, a couple from NJ ….. and of course Joe. :026:
and of course Joe. :026:
Dick, I love you. No, seriously. No, dude, really... ;)

I'm a rabid capitalist too, comrade, but unfortunately one of the results of true competition is not only improved product but eventual departure from the market of the ones that fail. In the case of our club - no really a free market competition, given defined markets and controls - I don't see failure of events as necessarily A Good Thing.

And, I differ a bit in your conclusions; I think the improvements in the weekend formats are more of a result of improved driver feedback to the regions than competition. But, I recognize the possibility.

Just sayin' that this can't go on forever; most club racers cannot afford to travel hundreds of miles every weekend to compete at all events, and that the market of amateur club racers is finite (and in some cases dwindling in size). Eventually someone will have to depart this "competitive market"...ergo, competition between regions is not necessarily a good thing. - GA
I agree with Greg here. Maybe we can design a recommendation for the PTB, something like this: (just spitballin')

We race 7 months out of the year up here (Apr-Oct).

At least 1 NARRC weekend per month, maximum 2.
Each other series, NERRC, NYSRRC, NJRR, etc; can (and is encouraged to) piggyback on these premier events first, and add specialty events like the RAL or Cheap Date in a conservative and smart manner.

Whatever the structure, maybe we can design something so that we put maximums in place so we don't dilute the competitive dollar.
Well I have accomplished something significant, Greg and Andy agree.
Event and venues will fail over time no matter what. Not that long ago Pocono looked like it would be lost to club racing. Due to high prices and the lack of a loyal local following there were many who said that we should let it go. The diminishing dates at the Glen and the extraordinary situation at LRP in the last few years as well as both regional and the national formats have given it new life.
The market decided that.
Greg in one post above you say we should it was a mistake to schedule the number of races we did and then you say it is bad if events fail. If events need to be dropped from the calendar I would rather see them dropped because they are weak than because of a decision of the central planning commission.
Lime Rock used to have 6 SCCA weekends just a couple of years ago. This year 4 were planned. The lack of availability at LRP has not been a problem because the market does not seen to be able to support more than 4 races at the current price structure.
Weak events are dropped or reformatted by the hosting region. That is the effect of competition.
Besides as I stated above, NER just had a 220+ car event at NHMS and 95 % of the entrants were from within New England, why would they agree to allow a region 400 miles away to dictate their race scheduling.