Andy - Read GCR 6.2.2, J and see if I am misunderstanding the text. Coming through West Bend I agree you are "pacing" correctly. The acceleration past Richie in the downhill would appear to be an advance - Am I misreading/understanding it?
Again - Do I really believe it effected the race? - nope - absolutely not - you the man

. [/b]
No sweat Tim, it's a good debate.
I guess my issue is that 'improving my position' is VERY grey here. Yes, I was ahead of Richie..but only because I was doing what I was supposed to be doing as a responsible member of the front row - keeping exact pace with the pace car. Once I noticed he wasn't, I switched my focus (speed) from the pace car, to Richie. I was never once going any faster than the pace car.
The pace car sets the speed of the start - according to the GCR - and at the specific direction of our stewards this year. I also reference 6.2.2.E - last sentence:
"Once the pace car pulls off for the start, the pole car shall maintain the speed of the pace car just prior to the pace car pulling off."
So in my mind, this begs the question - would it have been LEGAL for me to keep pace with the pace car putting the actual 'questionable action' on Richie - since he DIDN'T keep pace as he should have?
Again, I think you could legitimately say that I 'improved my position prior to the green flag'. But it was because the pole sitter didn't follow the proper proceedures. I was also back in perfect line before the starters could even see us. This also begs the question - if you are allowed to be 'out of line' to scrub tires - when do you have to be BACK in line? I was in line before any starting official could see that an actual fault? If I were P1 and you were P2 and I slowed and you advanced without knowing it - should you be penalized?
Debate on - It's a very interesting and rare situation to have the P1 car slow down to less MPH than the PC.
Anyone care to look at the video and weigh in?
I guess after looking at the video and knowing what the front row is supposed to do, I would do the same thing again...Stewards?