Whatever happened to the Mk IV VR6 VTS ???


New member
I remember awhile back somebody was writting up a request for the 99.5 up VR6 Jetta and Golf's... Anybody know what happened ?
guess that they noticed the front suspension geometry and ditched the plan ;)
It's a Mac Strut like every VW in IT. The '99> New Beetle is already in.
If you are talking about the lack of camber adjustment...that's what upper plates are for.

Now to the original question... we submitted paperwork seems like 2 years ago and got something back about the 5 year limit wasn't up yet. But it sure is now.

I'll have to dig up that paperwork and resubmit it unless somebody knows of a reason that it was not classed yet. Both 4 cyl and VR6 should be in there. And then everyone can complain about the guys running R32 bottom ends :happy204: