What's the difference?


New member
I am an SRF driver /ex-owner contemplating transitioning to IT. I really was never comfortable in open cars. While my favorite class is AS (old muscle car guy at heart), there isn't any real opportunity for 'arrive and drive' (at least in the NE Region). So IT seems offer the best of all worlds. I have been reading the GCR and my eyes cross trying to determine what the real differences are in the IT sub classes. Can anyone shed some light on this and suggestions?

Bruce Dalis
Nu Yawk
it's all speed potential. prep rules are the same across all classes. ITR is the fastest, then ITS, ITA, ITB, and ITC.

you might be interested to hear that some V8 F-Body's have just become eligible to compete in ITR. might want to look into that.
It's been in the works for what seems like years, but finally, they are in. Two line items of Mustangs and one Camaro and one Firebird.