That's Dave Rugh's car. You can send that busted part back to Portland...
A related story: The shell that we used to build this rally car...
...was one of the first MkII GTIs that came into the US. (I want to think that the VIN was like xxxxxx00023 or something like that.) They were used as press cars, and some of them ran the VW Bilstein Cup and other places, but ours spent time as an ice racer in the NE.
Dave Rugh ended up with it at his shop outside of Portland, and used it to build up a buck for his first MkII GT3 bodywork. When we picked it up after he had a garage sale, it still had urethane foam glued to the fenders and sills, where he had created profiles for the flares.
That car is still rallying in the NW - Todd Hartmann is the driver - and it is on its third logbook. Almost unheard of in that business but Todd is as safe on the stages as he is meticulous in his preparation. I did 40+ events with him and was never more than half a car length off the road. I retired six years ago and he's been running strong since...
[This message has been edited by Knestis (edited October 01, 2004).]