Wheel offsets


New member
If a 6" wide wheel measures 4.75 inches from the backing plate to the wheel edge, does that equate to a 44 ET? (center is 3" in, 4.75 - 3 = 1.75 offset converted to mm = 44). thanks
If a 6" wide wheel measures 4.75 inches from the backing plate to the wheel edge, does that equate to a 44 ET?[/b]
No... sounds like you're trying to mix two measurement methods. "Backspace" measurements use the innermost edge of the rim flange as a starting point. "Offset" measurements use the bead seats as the reference point... a 44mm offset wheel puts the mounting surface of the wheel 44 mm from the center of the 6 inch width, and that 6 inch width is between the bead seats, not the overall outside width of the wheel.
The 5 spokes off the A3 Jetta GT were mid 40s. I have a set out on loan somewhere, I'll double check.

The 7 spokes are my rollers, I will check them to be sure also.