Where to get an underdrive pulley?


New member
Does anybody use an underdrive pulley? I assume you only have to replace the eccentric shaft one unless you change the type of belt you use. I've been told by several "paddock expets" that certain types of belts are better than the V type I use.

Any opinions either way? If so, where did you get it and what else do you need to install it.

'87 RX7
Steve, I would be interested in what belt would be legal in SCCA other than a v belt.

I have the set of three pulleys for under drive from Mazda Comp. E shaft pulley is smaller & the water pump pulley & alternator pulleys are larger. IIRC something like $160 for the three pulleys.

Have Fun


ps: Seat time, seat time & more seat time will get the most speed. Other than tires...