Where to get pretech around NNJ?

I am a tech worker in NNJR. What part of the state are you located in? There are a few options available to you. I am located in the Trenton area, and a few techs are in the Warren/Sussex county area. I am available on March 5th in the PM (you will have to drive to me)and March 12th.

Bill Etherington
Thank you very much for the reply. I am in the north end of Morris County. Given how things went at last week's test & tune, sprint and enduro at VIR though my weekends between now and the SP school are shot making the car flawless so I can get through the school without any problems. Any other situation and Trenton on a Saturday would be easy. I might just need to get to Summit earlier and do annual tech there.
Good luck at the school. You might want to contact the WDC chief of tech, Ron Skidmore, and find out when tech opens before the school.
Ron Skidmore, or one of his people usually has tech open in the early afternoon of Friday before the school. Park your car under the tech shed and wait for someone to start looking at it.
Mr. Skidmore can be reached at 540-459-4065.
dave parker
wdcr ITC#97